A few minutes ago, my phone finally bit the dust and it automatically deleted everything on it, including my memory card.
I have lost all 2GB of all my important work, music files, pictures, etc....
Good thing i remember that Piriform has a recovery program.
Is it possible to recover all my files?
Urgent files to recover: Important work files and pictures.
If it does not find my files, what should i do?
I'm not sure what you mean by "automatically deleted" I guess your changes of recovery depends a lot on just what exactly the phone has done to the memory card.
To start with you will need an SD-Card reader to connect via the USB so it can be accessed like a flash drive.
Install and run Recuva and see if standard file scan will find your files, if not then use the "Deep Scan" method.
If you encounter the following: "cannot read boot sector" "file format unknown" then you have a damaged partition table unfortunately Recuva is rather weak in dealing with this situations like this.
I only know 2 programs which can access drive data with a damaged file system unfortunately both are shareware / crippleware (you can preview but not save) but it will give you a good idea if any files are recoverable from your memory card:
- Flash Memory Toolkit 1.20
- Diskinternals Partition Recovery 2.9
Richard S.
I am surprised that after Recuva have finished recovering my files, the only files that were properly recovered are my MP3 song files.
The rest are all numbered and there are even 105 files with a .ZIP extension. Weird thing is i never put archives into my memory card, so how is it possible that a .ZIP file show up? ![:unsure:]()
Well Recuva only managed to recover 1.5GB of my files on my memory card out of the total of 1.7GB. I hope nothing important is missing because i can't really go through all of my files because most of them are numbered, only the MP3s aren't for some weird reason.
Now I have a lot of sorting out to do, if i want to make sure all my files are properly recovered.
Well now i learned my lesson of not backing up my files often
. >_>
If you've been playing Java games then your .JAR files could have been mistaken for ZIPs (they're the same format).
Richard S.