Yes, I believe that Recuva does use the MFT in normal scan mode. You could try a deep scan, and then go to the pictures or visit your mum while it runs. Take care of the results, you don't want to run it twice.
Hi, check Options > Advanced > Scan for non-deleted files.
Howdy Mr. Ron,
Pleasure to meet you,this may not be the correct forum to ask you this question but I have tried other options and still did not get the answer I was looking for- Here's my proboblem, my Daughter has a Lenovo Y 510 laptop with a 160 gig hard drive partitioned 30 gigs for C drive where the O/s is installed and is a logical drive and D drive that is 105 gigs and is a practical drive(I'm a desk top user with a 200 gig hard drive and it came configured 5 gigs for the recovery data and the rest of the drive is logical and fully funtional,and for the life of me I dont know why the manufacturers are allowed to partition the hard drives the way they do) anyway it crashed and said "cannot find boot sector" and when she called Lenovo Support they told her to reinstall Vista on her D drive and that way she could go into C drive after the fresh install onto D drive and retrieve her files, but even the Techs should know that by default and even if you change the direction of a download to D drive it still goes to C drive most of the time, and yes it did and it re-wrote Vista to C drive and wiped out her data and so on from C drive. She hasn't used it since she did this so she hasn't even loaded in the drivers or facial recognition software, so I am hoping that she still has loads of photos and stuff left to retrieve? My question is how to deploy Recuva-I downloaded your program onto a jump drive and when I fire up my Daughter's Lenovo I think I want to get into BIOS and change the boot sector so that it boots from the Jump Drive instead of it booting from C drive and loading Vista and probably write over some files, or install your program on D drive and run it from there and make up some folders, like My Picture's, My Documents, My Music etc., on D drive to send the recuvered data to that comes from C drive. Because D drive is a practical drive am I going to be able to open Recuva from that drive? I am anxious to get going on this because it crashed two weeks ago and my Daughter was away for her summer job and is back now and of course is asking "So when are you going to fix my computer Dad?, the worst part is she has only had it since March and loves it but who needs crashes,give me XP Media Center 2005 anyday. So any help you can give me by answering my questions Mr. Ron, you definately have it going on by what I have read from your postings so I hope that you can help a poor old Canuck out. Thanks so much for your time and being there Ron it's muchly appreciated!