Recover files from formatted HDD

Hello !

I wanted to recover files from a "dead" computer's HDD (WD Caviar 40 Gb IDE).

After connecting the HDD to another computer (IDE secondary controller, Master position), I could see it on Windows' (XP) disk manager. But it was seen as "not formatted". So, I made a "light" format and could see the volume. Then I launched Recuva that started normally until the Popup says :

Analyse 3 sur 6 lecteurs

Etape 2 sur 3 : Analysing damage

Progression actuelle 100%

And the HDD ran for a lot of hours with the same indication....

So I clicked "Cancel" and the popup indicated "Cancelling"

But it still ran for hours...

I had no other solution to stop Recuva than switching off the computer...

Then, later, I launched Recuva again.

I obtained the same result...

What can I do ?