Recover deleted Ccleaner files

Hello, I used Ccleaner(default settings) to delete duplicate pictures but some of them are special saved pic´s from my wife. Now I need to recover them.

I run Recuva with an deep scan and I found the deleted files. I have started to recover the data and I was happy but the recovered files are named zzzzzzz.zzz.

I know that Ccleaner changed the name of the data. Has anyone an idea to open or change the files so that I can open it? Do I need a different version of Recuva? Or maybe this was discuss already, when post the link of the conversation. Thank you very much in advance.

zzzzzzz.zzz files are securely overwritten files, usually by CCleaner as I'm unaware of any other tool that overwrites with that naming scheme. There is no ability to recover such files.