Thank you for your Speccy and other products.
I would like to suggest that you use a different name form than current for your portable products.
Currently, all your portable app versions have "setup" in the file name - yet none of the portables are truly Microsoft Windows style 'setup' installers.
So rather than calling them "setup" files, I would like to suggest a new name form, perhaps some sort of 'port' or 'portable' or other name part which is more accurate of what the zip file contents are - a folder containing the instantly runnable, stand-alone exe (and whatever support files needed).
Example 1, the Speccy portable is called: "spsetup104.zip". Yet, it is not a Microsoft 'setup' program - it is a self-running exe in a folder, zipped.
Same for your other apps -- example 2: Recuva portable is called "rcsetup138.zip", but again, it is not a setup app. Which in the case of Recuva it is very disconcerting to see "setup", as if you are trying to recover lost files, you definitely don't want to be running a 'setup' installer which will potentially overwrite data files.
I know it is just a little thing, but since I often want to get the portable version to put onto my flash drive, I am periodically reminded that the names are just not right for what they are (since they do not run installer setup processes). (So I end up posting it here, in Speccy topic, but it applies as well to Recuva, Ccleaner and Defraggler.)
Thank you.
Again, great tools and helper apps from you folks.