Reasons for Seasons

Many people think that our Seasons are due to the Earth`s distance from the Sun during the elliptical orbit e.g The Earth is closer to the Sun in Summer and further away from the Sun in Winter.
Well, they are wrong, back to the drawing board. Since it is Summer in Australia when it is Winter in Europe and vice versa, the Earth`s distance from the Sun is not the cause of our Seasons.
Seasons are caused entirely by the TILT or axial shift of the Earth during its own normal axial rotational orbit around the Sun. The axial shift is mathematically precisional and is constant for every year and every orbit.
I think I`ll have another beer.

And it's because of the tilt that effects the amount of atmosphere the suns rays have to go through.

Science Rocks !

It is true that the distance between the Earth and the Sun does not create the yearly seasons (the seasons are controlled by the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation). However, this distance is responsible for more extreme, longer-term, climate changes.


And if you like Math read this

Here's some light reading:

And it's because of the tilt that effects the amount of atmosphere the suns rays have to go through.

Science Rocks !

but what if we extinguished the sun?

but what if we extinguished the sun?

I think by the time there's technology to control stars, we'd possibly also have the ability to create an artificial one.

This brief description of our Polar "Seasons" is interesting. Almost 24 degrees of tilt is one hell of a large shift. I have to keep adjusting the wedges under my coffee table legs throughout the year to prevent the cups sliding off.

A tilt or list of 15 degrees in a cruise ship is considered very serious and 20 degrees dangerously near to capsizing.

Polar night refers to the longer-than-24-hour nights that occur seasonally in the Earth's polar regions.

Because the Earth's axis is tipped 23.5 degrees with respect to the plane of the elliptic, there are parts of the poles whose rotation path never gets exposed to light. The North and South Poles are the darkest areas of all, which each receiving six months of continuous night and six months of continuous day.

The depth of the polar night in the polar regions is when the lowest temperatures on Earth has ever been recorded, 89 degrees Celsius below zero, or minus 128 degrees Fahrenheit, measured at Vostok Station, Antarctica. Without heavy furs or modern heated clothing, this can lead to death in under two minutes.

Why do I feel like I could get all this reading done elsewhere, and that statement of fact does not really help build conversation nor community.

Just sayin, I'll back out now, thanks.

Why do I feel like I could get all this reading done elsewhere, and that statement of fact does not really help build conversation nor community. Just sayin, I'll back out now, thanks.

Of course one can get all this reading and facts elsewhere, but that is common to every discussion topic on Earth, as does the inclusive statement of facts. Without facts there would be no conversation or discussion.

I could of course obtain every scrap of information about defragging elsewhere, without coming anywhere near Piriform, but I enjoy the warmth and companionship of this Forum and choose to discuss such matters here.

After all, this is the "Lounge" and we can discuss anything we wish and state any number of facts and figures needed to keep the pot boiling. Your Forum definition corroborates this :-

The Lounge
Discuss anything... relating to anything... software or not.
So I guess we will press on with this interesting subject, stating whatever facts are considered necessary to enhance an interesting discussion.