If you havn't already discovered them, then the following websights are a 'must see'.
is run by Steve Gibson Corcoration. Its one of those rare sites which champions the cause of computer security, especially for 'the little guy'. You wont find ANY spyware/adware or viruses there. But you will find lots of insightful and well written information on how to lock down your computer, that you really won't find anywhere else......as well as extremely useful and free downloads! Highly recommended on your favourites menu.
2. http://www.spywarewarrior.com
This again is a very useful website for comprehensive listings, comparisons, and expose's of 'Rogue/Suspect Anti-Spyware Products & Websites'.....posing themselves as anti-spyware products; a real eye-opener!. It also makes recommendations for some valuable tried and true software. Very much worth a look.
p.s.: if the above aren't links, then mouse over, copy, and paste.
regards, Ken.