Where have all the"real answers" to questions gone?
It seems lately that topics in this forum tend either to get hijacked or end up as trivial conversation
p.s.St.Joan of the internet(aka)krit86lr need not reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: wrong topic area but this is the only page i could get to load
And this malicious post is intended to encourage... what?
Last time I checked, I haven't seen you giving too many "real answers" to questions.
Here you are making fun of someone who you think posts too much, and by doing so, you yourself are making an irrelavent, obnoxious, and unnecessary post. If you've got a problem with K, and the fact that she helps people, PM HER FOR GOD'S SAKE!
And this malicious post is intended to encourage... what?
Last time I checked, I haven't seen you giving too many "real answers" to questions.
Here you are making fun of someone who you think posts too much, and by doing so, you yourself are making an irrelavent, obnoxious, and unnecessary post. If you've got a problem with K, and the fact that she helps people, PM HER FOR GOD'S SAKE!
There is no need for this thread.
Where in my post does it say that krit86lr posts too much?
Where in my post does it say that krit86lr posts too much?
This is not intended as a malicious post.
You are telling her not to reply, and your entire post is about "hijacked" and "trivial" posts/conversations, so one would logically deduce...
And if the intent is not malicious, what is it? How do you nicely call someone "St. Joan of the Internet"?
Here is what I think: I think you a posting this solely to mock others (such as K) who are perhaps more informed than you, and that you simply came on here to piss and moan. And my feelings are stated with all due respect, and by no means malicious.
I believe this topic is very much out of line and uncalled for. Krit is an asset to the community who gives genuine help and has a good overall knowledge of computer related materials. And if she goes off topic as she provides help, I've always seen it as helping people feel at ease and relax, by adding a personal spin on things. It makes things not feel so strict and will help users who need help realize the issue isn't something to get too worked up about.
Ive only been visiting here for a few months but can see K helps anyone she can and gets on great with everyone on the forum, I fully agree with lokoike and Tarun , I've learnt alot by reading her posts and from all the other members here.
I read this thread earlier before it had any replies and I was thinking it was an attack on K, and was wondering what. I also realize it's a complaint about the rambling a few of us have been doing over the boring as hell weekend by hijacking threads.
Which brings me to the conclusion we need an IRC channel, site, very specific thread dedicated to goofiness like this one I created, or somewhere else altogether where we can go to chat.
Ok did I read this wrong or was Incy saying that Krit was the only one helping? I'm a little confused...
I do applogise to not being on the forum nearly as much as I used too. I'm bussy as hell with school. I will have some time off in a few weeks and that will give me some time to post some of the things I have written and clean up the foum a bit.
I should have during that week:
Updated spyware removal guide
Maintaining a clean computer with as little work as possible guide
And finnish that essential software guide that I kind of let die.
I like the idea of an IRC channel but have no earthly clue how to do that.(I'm an IRC NOOB. ) If anyone knows of an easy way to do this Then PM me and maybe Mr.G can set something up.(totally up to him and I havent even mentioned it to him)
Anyway I dont want this thread to turn into a major uproar.