I'm running Real Player SP version 1.0.4. When you play a video, the title is listed just above the play and record buttons area at the bottom of the player.
After running CCleaner, the title is still there. This can very revealing to others and I thought the purpose of CCleaner was to erase all traces of your presence.
2) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RealNetworks\RealPlayer\12.0\Preferences\MostRecentClips1 is where the SP files are kept and yes you are correct CCleaner is VERY behind in RP (even more than you )
so add this to your winapp2.ini (See link in my signature for info on WinApp2)
Note, I removed skin locations as I could not find that skins were still supported so I may have to put them back in if someone tells me different (I also removed openlocationclips as that reg entry did not exist for me, if someone else thinks I should I'll put them back in)