All Comments On Delete Files/Photos Well Written Little Confusing... Prior 2 Versions Recuva I Could Delete All Anything, High Light Checked Or Checked...Options: Use 1 Pass Mode! Now New Version 1.19.350---I Cannot Delete Anything------Pop Up Reads: 0 files Deleted In 2 seconds,etc...
I Can Recover Photos---It Also Recovers Junk Files Obviously In Same Folder Deleted Prior...Recovered Lot Old Car Photos Lost In Change Over Windows XP Professional ...
It Finds Stuff Even From Visiting Other Web Sites Usually Photos ?
Can Anybody Tell Me Why This Is Happening, i.e. It Is As Almost As If Explorer 7 Is Blocking Delete Modes...
Recuva Is Really Neat Little Free Program, I Tried Another Software It Cannot Compare...
To No Avail I Tried Reinstall RECUVA 1.19.350 Several Times On 2 Different Computers, Lap Tops Not It Matters...
I'll Come Back Forum Keep Reading Comments---Or New Update Comes Out I'll
Install It..
Hi Vincent,
Cut and paste the whole line in that link using the Run icon in the Start menu.
Select OK and Recuva should start.
You should see the words 1.19.350 [debug] in the upper left hand corner when the Scan screen starts.
The log file will be in your Recuva folder.
If you don't see this happening then Recuva is not being installed in the correct location or some similar problem.
Reinstall and ask for new icons on your Desktop and Start menu and don't check for updates. Let the program install to the default location. Try running Recuva again by clicking on the "new" icon.
If you still have troubles let us know. Also tell us about your system and OS etc.
Cut and paste the whole line in that link using the Run icon in the Start menu.
Select OK and Recuva should start.
You should see the words 1.19.350 [debug] in the upper left hand corner when the Scan screen starts.
The log file will be in your Recuva folder.
If you don't see this happening then Recuva is not being installed in the correct location or some similar problem.
Reinstall and ask for new icons on your Desktop and Start menu and don't check for updates. Let the program install to the default location. Try running Recuva again by clicking on the "new" icon.
If you still have troubles let us know. Also tell us about your system and OS etc.
In Run Icon: I Cut and Paste With Out Putting In Debug!? It Will Open Recuva--If I Add Debug Pop Up Says: Windows Cannot Find C:\Program?
I Have Recuva Installed In C:\Program Files....
I Deleted Recuva Even Cleaned Out Registry ... Went To Your Site Downloaded Recuva Twice...
This Is Really Strange Why It Worked Prior Older Versions!?
In Addition: I Am Using Dell 5150 L T , 512 MB, New Windows XP Professional - Version 2002...MS Windows XP SP3...
Again: It Is As If Explorer 7 Is Blocking Delete Files --- Says: 0 Files Deleted In 3 Seconds, Etc... It Starts To Open Delete Bar Then Disappears Instantly Winows Sound Rings...
I Do Not Use Explorer 7 Unless --I Write Lot Poetry, Articles, Editorials At AuthorsDen.Com--Flock Is Quicker...
PAST: Used Mozilla Browser Long Time , I Switched To Mozilla BrowserBrowser Beta 3 = It Froze All Time Or Crashed...
CURRENT: I Have No Other Problems Than: Deleted My Flock Browser 1.26 Froze Up... In lieu Of:
I Installed Flock Browser Beta 2.0.b.2...It Sometimes Pops Up Stupid Page: Can't Find Server Page--Irritating...