RE: Any issues between CCleaner & CA Internet Security Sutie 2010?

Hello. I have a quick question. Is there any ?known? issues that exist between CA Internet Security Suite 2010 and latest version CCleaner when they co-exist when installed on the same operating system? From past experiences, I know BitDefender 2011 various software products and CCleaner have issues. BitDefender strongly recommends (more or less ?demands? via phone or chat session) a user uninstall CCleaner before installing any BitDefender various software products. I am also keenly aware of the workaround with CCleaner so both can exist without issues as well. I am just curious about issues between CA Internet Security Suite 2010 and latest version CCleaner? I have not yet contacted CA Technologies from their point-of-view.

Please reply.

Thank you!

If you see it listed in the applications to be cleaned in the large Cleaner button just untick it. For extra paranoia/protection against any possible unforeseen issues you can always go into 'Options->Exclude' to exclude whole folders and registry keys.

Bitdefender employ idiots. Where do they get them from ?

THERE IS NO WAY a dormant CCleaner would impede the installation of ANY software.

If Bitdefender have had difficulty it must be because they chose to click the "Run Cleaner" button during their installation process.


I have CCleaner and BitDefender installed on 3 systems. Absolutely no conflicts or problems. Rather than using their phone or chat support, you are much better off using their forum. The support people there are pretty sharp and in fact, have given instructions to users with problems to download and use CCleaner.

Hello. I have a quick question. Is there any ?known? issues that exist between CA Internet Security Suite 2010 and latest version CCleaner when they co-exist when installed on the same operating system? ...

Might be information on the CA forum also. CA Forum

Hello. I'm back.

Golly, lots of replies and I want to reply to each one of you... ...Thank you for your interest and response to my concerns.


@ Andavari: Okay, so by your response you do not know whether or not CA Internet Security Suite 2010 and latest version CCleaner have issues. I understand, maybe because you do not or ever used CA Technoloiges products. Well, I did a test and determined there were *NO* files of CA I.S.S. 2010 picked up by CCleaner after installing CA I.S.S. 2010 unlike the BitDefender 2011 products. GREAT!!! HURRAY!!! By the way, I did not make any 'special' overreaching exceptions to add CA Internet Security Suite 2010 to the CCleaner exception list. I do not need too.

@ Alan_B: Yes, CCleaner 'does' affect BitDefender when you run CCleaner after installing a BitDefender product. I have seen several of the BitDefender files that CCleaner was about to wipe out of my system before I stopped it and had to make exception rules in CCleaner. Actually, you never see the damage initially. BitDefender programs still "seem" to run fine, but there is "mild damage". However, over time you should have small glitches and a little issues arise. I did many times over the past few years.

@ nikki605: My response for your concerns is more or less along the same lines of Alan_B. The used the forum once, but I figured their support techs would be precise when issues arose that I contacted via the BD chat line most of the time. I would get immediate assistance and most of the time with their products and direct answers to resolve them. In a few instances, if they didn't have the immediate solution for me; I would be sent to a higher tier tech rep. and he would help me with a solution through alternating communication by narrowing the extraneous factors out of my issues as a trial and error process.

@ login123: I will have to look into that and join. However, whatever they say -- good or bad, I do not see any evidence following the requested action by Andavari. So whatever the CA forum states, I will call it hearsay. I will keep CCleaner installed with CA Internet Security Suite 2010 on my system.

Again, thank you!

You have misunderstood me.

You said that "BitDefender ... ?demands? ... a user uninstall CCleaner before installing any BitDefender".

That advice was STUPID. It permitted you to re-install CC and run it AFTER installing Bit...

What they SHOULD have said is

"never run CC, not even from a portable version on a thumb drive, because BitDEFENDER is DEFENSELESS against accidental deletion by anything"

I pointed out that if CC is DORMANT ( i.e. NOT RUNNING ) then it cannot impede any installation

I said NOTHING about any ability that CC might have to damage what has been installed if you choose to clean too hard.

I will now suggest that Bitdefender will defend your computer with identical effectiveness to the protection of a hair dryer blowing air at a shotgun aimed at your torso.

I have heard that some malware attacks CC so that it will not get flushed out from its TEMP hidey holes.

Such malware will have no trouble destroying Bitdefender if Bitdefender is powerless to defend itself from the least aggressive junk file cleaner that I know off.

That is one good thing I will say about Norton - once you have got it installed it will not let go ! ! !


Hello Alan_B:

Hello. I should of been more clearer. I jumped to the ultimate conclusion what happens thinking you did not believe me with your comical irony and not BitDefender's implied reason why CCleaner per BitDefender should be uninstalled first. I'm sorry. Yes, I did agree with you on your original post. The implied reason why BitDefender tech support does not want CCleaner installed on your system BEFORE installing BitDefender (They do not tell you, but I found out.) is because simply 'if you have it (CCleaner), you will use it' thus damaging BitDefender. Yes, it doesn't make any sense for BitDefender to tell anyone to uninstalled dormant CCleaner first, but I do understand their 'implied' reasoning. I agree with you that having installed files sitting there ('dormant') is not going to damage BitDefender. I guess BitDefender's files are fragile -- this is not good!



I am in the midst of looking around for a really good security protection suite package instead of BitDefender products or even CA Internet Security Suite 2010. Any one know of any good ones? I know they are opinions, that is okay with me. If you can provide some details with facts why you like a particular 'x', please share with me. Thanks!!!

As I stated above, I have BitDefender and CCleaner installed on 3 PCs and CCleaner (even the Registry cleaner portion) has never damaged BitDefender. I am at a loss to explain why others have experienced problems between the two programs. :huh:


I have a friend who uses Bitdefender and ccleaner with no problems at all.


If you are looking at security suites (usually paid for) there are several about such as Avast, Avira, Nod32. Some offer a trial period which allows you to see if everything works well for you and your machine when using the new product.

There are many others around. A free security suite is here. I have not tried this one.

Good luck.


I see some of you are saying that here is no issues between CCleaner and BitDefender. Interesting?!?!? I'm wondering if your saying that you are seeing no 'obvious' effects with the functioning of BitDefender? That is true. I didn't have any obvious issues for awhile until I started to have some minor issues appearing. Listen, I will not push the BitDefender & CCleaner issue any longer, as this issue was not the intention of this thread anyways, even though my curiosity of your rationale is mystifying me. For me, it is a mystery that some users are not experiencing this issue and some are. From the nature of how these programs places and installs its components throughout the system and the inherent method CCleaner works, the damage is evidently clear.

Anyways, thanks for your suggestions.

Take care!

If CCleaner is causing BitDefender some grief the first things I'd do are:

1. If BitDefender has any self-protection module built-in make sure it's enabled (for reference Avast has such a thing and nothing can mess with it).

2. Untick the cleaning of it in CCleaner, that is if CCleaner even offers to clean it.

3. Input exclusions into CCleaner for all BitDefender folders located in ("Program Files", "AppData", etc.), and registry locations.

4. Open up your user profile Temp folder and even the "C:\Windows\Temp" folder and look for any possible BitDefender files that may get stored in there, i.e.; downloaded updates/patches, etc., although it would be very odd for anything of value to be stored in a Temp folder.

Issues can come from just having an expected empty update folder deleted and non-existent, such as the case in the past with Microsoft Security Essentials temporarily storing signature file downloads in Windows\Temp.