Ram/r Drive Not Longer Recognises Blank


Can you Ps help me i have a Matsu/Panasonioc LF-D310 RAM/R burner that no longer recognises blank Ram or cd-r/rw discs it was working fine when i last used it (3 weeks) but i dont know what i have done to cause this! I use this drive for bcking up but i also have a NEC 3500 for burning other stuff. The NEC is master and the Mats is the slave. Also i have never updated Firmware on either drive would this cause all the probs?

PsCould you Ps give me a A-Z on updateing firmware if thats the problem! thanks Kindly!

PPs Also correct me if i am wrong but are these Ram disc able to be used as a hard drive? If so i cannot do this,if i try to update/overwrite a folder that i've backed up already i get a 'drive is read only'error or something sim to that!

Also i have never updated Firmware on either drive would this cause all the probs?

It depends, some drives "may" have difficulty with some disc brands or the disc storage capacity itself. (For reference some Teac DVD writer drives will work flawlessly with 650 MB CD-RW's, however they completely go haywire when using 700 MB CD-RW's regardless of the firmware version.)

Important: If you update the firmware make sure you only get it from the drive manufacturer, there's too many hacked and sloppy firmwares available that'll destroy a drive in a heartbeat.