Fluorescent Lamps
Electric Blanket Thermostats
Surge Protectors
Tobacco Products
Salt Substitutes
Sports Drinks
Lightning Rods
Brazil Nuts
Camping Lanterns
35MM Camera Lenses
Orange Cloisone Jewelry
Glossy Magazines
Kitty Litter
Porcelain Teeth
So apparently if you have porcelain teeth and orange jewelry and are camping on a cold night with an electric blanket during a thunderstorm taking pictures of your surge protector next to a kerosene or fluorescent camping lantern while drinking Kaopectate with a sports drink chaser because you ate too many bananas and brazil nuts [coated with a salt substitute] and you light a cigarette while reaching for a glossy magazine at the exact moment your cat starts covering his poopie with kitty litter after he walked through a garden and got fertilizer on his paws you could accidentally start World War III.