Radioactive Stuff

Fluorescent Lamps

Electric Blanket Thermostats

Surge Protectors

Tobacco Products

Salt Substitutes


Sports Drinks


Lightning Rods

Brazil Nuts

Camping Lanterns

35MM Camera Lenses

Orange Cloisone Jewelry

Glossy Magazines


Kitty Litter

Porcelain Teeth

So apparently if you have porcelain teeth and orange jewelry and are camping on a cold night with an electric blanket during a thunderstorm taking pictures of your surge protector next to a kerosene or fluorescent camping lantern while drinking Kaopectate with a sports drink chaser because you ate too many bananas and brazil nuts [coated with a salt substitute] and you light a cigarette while reaching for a glossy magazine at the exact moment your cat starts covering his poopie with kitty litter after he walked through a garden and got fertilizer on his paws you could accidentally start World War III.

Complete List


cant be that radioactive...

The Earth is constantly emitting radioactivity, but it's no big deal. We've been exposed to it for eons and it's low-level.

Even the human brain supposedly emits some radiation. However the biggest source of radiation is 93 billion miles away - the Sun however its true destructive effect is thwarted by the Earth's magnetic field which without we'd all be stir fried.

Even the human brain supposedly emits some radiation. However the biggest source of radiation is 93 billion miles away - the Sun however its true destructive effect is thwarted by the Earth's magnetic field which without we'd all be stir fried.

93 billion?

93 million!


Tritium. Multiplies the effects for a plutonium implosion bomb.

93 billion?

93 million!

My bad! In any event it's very far away.