Quote of the Day

Man's Elbow, Mistaken for Squirrel, Shot

GOLDEN TOWNSHIP, Michigan, Feb. 14, 2006

(AP) A man was shot and injured when his hunting partner mistook his elbow for a squirrel, authorities said.

Michigan State Police said George Arthur Sikkenga, 64, of Muskegon, Michigan was wounded Sunday morning in Golden Township, in Michigan's west-central Lower Peninsula.

Sikkenga was wearing camouflage clothing except for an orange hat, which he had covered with a hood after sitting down behind a tree, The Muskegon Chronicle reported.

His clothed elbow was all of him that was visible when his friend, Gregory Scott Wood approached from behind the tree and fired his weapon, which the Ludington Daily News described as a .17-caliber rifle.

Sikkenga was transported to a local hospital, where he was treated and released.

Police were investigating the shooting.

From cbsnews.com

A baldheaded squirrel? A.17 cal rifle? What planet is this? Almost as bad as mistaking a lawyer for a quail.

A baldheaded squirrel? A.17 cal rifle? What planet is this? Almost as bad as mistaking a lawyer for a quail.

LOL Jay Leno just said Cheney's approval went up to 92% after it was revealed it was a lawyer he shot.

...A man was shot and injured when his hunting partner mistook his elbow for a squirrel...


That is great! I think stupid people were put here for my personal amusement. Which is why am so utterly amused by myself... :D


That is great! I think stupid people were put here for my personal amusement. Which is why am so utterly amused by myself... :D

You're the funniest person I'VE ever met!


Mike laughed loud and long knowing full well that lokoike would get the last, best, and loudest laugh at his expense.

Mike laughed loud and long knowing full well that lokoike would get the last, best, and loudest laugh at his expense.

Me? Laugh at your expense?! Why Mr. Rochip, I am surprised at you! To think I would make fun of you for my personal enjoyment!

lokoike smugly stated, all the while thinking to himself "I'll get you, my pretty! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

"I'll get you, my pretty!"

You only call me pretty on Valentine's Day :angry:! What about the other 364 days a year (365 during leap years)?! When will you stop taking me for granted? Don't even try to answer! Nothing you can say will make it better.