QuickTime Alternative

Anybody use this? It's been around a while so it must be pretty good. A few years ago you were screwed if you didn't have QT or RealPlayer if you listened to or watched online media. Nowadays I'm not even running into Quicktime media. (Well, I don't have a Mac either.) So I was wondering how it stacked up codec-wise for typical online viewing.

I use K-lite Codec pack, does that make any difference?

Yep, I've been using Quicktime Alternative since my education began on here in 2006. I've never really been aware of how often I use it, but then again, I've never met anything I couldn't play on the web.

I also binned RealPlayer, and installed Real Alternative.

Edit: Don't know about the codec pack, never used it.

RealPlayer used to own the online radio spectrum (more like muscled its way in) and now they're hardly a blip on the radar. It's not even worth downloading Real Alternative. I'd be wasting space I could use for more interesting things, like a napkin or a back scratcher. QuickTime is headed the same way as Real, sort of. But the Mac community keeps QT alive.

Thanks for the input Dennis. I'm gonna get rid of QT & install the alternative. That way if anything goes wrong it'll be ALL YOUR FAULT! :lol: j/k

Hey, I don't mind if you blame me, there's the small matter of a pond between us. schwimmen.gif

Pthbbbb, I don't hold grudges like that. Hey, I Erunt-ed, System Restore back-upped, Revo-ed QT outta there, uninstalled K-lite codec pack, CCleaned everything, installed QT Alternative, and installed K-lite codec pack. Everything works great. :)

Pthbbbb, I don't hold grudges like that.

I was kiddin' as well. :D

I'm gonna have to find myself a good "I'm not being serious" smiley. :lol:

installed QT Alternative, and installed K-lite codec pack.

I don't think you need QT or QT Alternative with K-Lite installed as it's never failed to play a MOV file, etc.

True, I think it runs QT stuff in WMP 6.x (Classic).