Right click on an OPEN area of task bar to the right of the "start" and "quick start" area and the left of the "notification tray" to access the Task manager and do other tasks. Must be on an OPEN area in the blue bar, not on a running task. Works on XP and Vista. Not sure about other Windows Op. Systems.
I find Alt+Ctrl+Del to be faster. I do it so much, I don't even think about where the keys are, I just do it.
I have created shortcut and put it to quicklaunch bar. Task Manager file is in system32 folder and filename is taskmgr.exe.
Right click on an OPEN area of task bar to the right of the "start" and "quick start" area and the left of the "notification tray" to access the Task manager and do other tasks. Must be on an OPEN area in the blue bar, not on a running task. Works on XP and Vista. Not sure about other Windows Op. Systems.
Always done it that way as I find it easier than ctrl-alt-delete.
It's all about personal preference
Only been using the right click taskbar or quicklaunch for Taskmanager for a few months as it took a quite a while to train myself that I don't need to use the "Three Finger Salute".
I used to like ctrl alt del but i found it easier to hit ctrl shift esc.
That can be done with one hand too
Nice one FiresInTheSky, I forgot about that one
I use both Ctrl+Alt+Del or the right click trick.
It's great to see discussion on this. Thanks for all of the other suggestions. I had to find an easier way to do it because my left arm and hand is in a cast for a while.
I think I will play with starting Task Manager at Boot up, due to suggestions mentioned here. Would be interesting to see what processes are using the most CPU time during boot up.
Thank you all for participating.This is a good forum!
Put in Process Explorer and than select it to replace Task manager in the options. Than what ever method you use to bring up Task Manager you will get Process Explorer which is what Task Manger should have been like in the first place.
Put in Process Explorer and than select it to replace Task manager in the options. Than what ever method you use to bring up Task Manager you will get Process Explorer which is what Task Manger should have been like in the first place.
Good idea, Thank you.
I have created shortcut and put it to quicklaunch bar. Task Manager file is in system32 folder and filename is taskmgr.exe.
Nice CeeCee! Great idea!
Very strange thread indeed. I've never known anyone not to use ctrl atl del.
I guess I've just been doing it for so long that it just seems strange to use anything else.
I don't get it. Why is this such a revelation?
Like Anthony A I replaced Task Manager. For that I use DTaskManager, 150kb: TM stay very enhanced.
I used to use CTRL+ALT+DELETE in my Win98 days, however on XP I just right click the TaskBar and select Task Manager.
...I had to find an easier way to do it because my left arm and hand is in a cast for a while.
I can't use my left hand for a while, therefore I needed another method. (I tried using my right hand and nose to do Alt-Ctrl-Del with no success)
I like the 'Process Explorer' suggestion. It has great features.
your nose?
Whoops, sorry...
A few people have been caught with no tabs in taskmanager, myself included.
Double clicking within an empty border of taskmanager and it runs in "kiosk mode" (no tabs), an absolutely useless feature that has caught quite a few unaware.
Double clicking again within an empty border gets your tabs back.