Question RE: New Windows SubSystems Temp Files Cleaning in Cleaner v5.90

I have a question regarding the "new temp file cleaning for various Windows system components" listed in the CCleaner v5.90.9443 release notes at


Is this the Windows SubSystems Temp Files option listed in v5.90 under Custom Clean | System, and if so exactly what Windows subsystem temp files are cleaned if you enable this option? Specifically, I'd like to know:

  • The location of these subsystem temp folders cleaned by CCleaner,
  • The reason why Microsoft stores temporary files in these locations in the first place, and
  • Whether the Win 10 and/or Win 11 built-in Disk Cleanup utility (Start | Windows Administrative Tools | Disk Cleanup) also purges temporary files in these subsystem folders.

I ran a test Custom Clean scan with CCleaner Portable v5.90 using Windows SubSystems Temp Files as the only option enabled under the System section, and it detected several files in C:\Windows\System32\sru, including SRU.log and SRUDB.dat. What little information I've found about the SRUJet suggests that these files should not be deleted while the Diagnostic Policy Service is running (note: this service has a Startup Type of "Automatic" on my Win 10 machine). See the AskWoody thread SRU and SRUDB and TenForums threads Anyone Else Have This SRUDB.dat Error All The Time? and Multiple Error Messages in Event Viewer for more information.



64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H2 build 19044.1526 * Firefox v97.0.1 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2201.10-1.1.18900.3 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.5.4.168-1.0.1599 * CCleaner Portable v5.89.9401

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

It doesn't appear that anyone from Piriform / Avast is going to reply to my question, so I posted a suggestion today at Suggestion RE: New "Windows SubSystems Temp Files" Option in CCleaner v5.90 that developers move this new Windows SubSystems Temp Files cleaning option to the "Advanced" section of Custom Clean (i.e., to the same section as Windows Event Logs cleaning) and remove the word "Temp" from the descriptor "Windows SubSystems Temp Files".


64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H2 build 19044.1526 * Firefox v97.0.1 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2201.10-1.1.18900.3 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.5.4.168-1.0.1599 * CCleaner Portable v5.89.9401

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Thanks for this

I followed the post as I was interested as well. I'm fairly cautious about that new option!


Hi iansn:

APMichael has posted additional information about this C:\Windows\System32\SRU folder in my thread Suggestion RE: New "Windows SubSystems Temp Files" Option in CCleaner v5.90 over in the CCleaner Suggestions board. Files in this folder are apparently used for the Win 10/11 feature that tracks data usage for the past 30 days on your internet connection.

If you have a Win 10 OS go to Settings | Network & Internet | Network Status | Data Usage to see which apps and software programs consume the most bandwidth on your internet connection. If you scroll to the bottom of that app list there is a "Reset Usage Stats" button.

At this point I'm still not clear if it's necessary (or even safe) to delete the SRUDB.dat file in that folder in order to reset the data usage stats, or why Piriform / Avast didn't just call this option something like "Reset Internet Data Usage Stats" instead of "Windows SubSystems Temp Files".


64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H2 build 19044.1526 * Firefox v97.0.1 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2201.10-1.1.18900.3 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.5.4.168-1.0.1599 * CCleaner Portable v5.90.9443

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Hmm, does seem strange. I'll go check this out. Thanks for letting me know :)

Edit - think I wont be using this option, whatever its called!

Hi iansn:

Just an FYI that the release notes <here> for CCleaner v5.92 (rel. 11-Apr-2022) state in part that "We’ve renamed the ‘Windows SubSystems Temp Files’ rule to “Network Data Usage” to make it clearer that this rule removes historical, statistical data about your network usage".

See my 13-Apr-2022 post in Suggestion RE: New "Windows SubSystems Temp Files" Option in CCleaner v5.90 in the CCleaner Suggestions board for additional information. As far as I can tell the name change in v5.92 hasn't affected the cleaning behaviour (i.e., the SRUDB.dat file will still be cleaned along with various .jrs and .log files in the C:\Window\System32\SRU folder when the Network Data Usage option is enabled).


64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H2 build 19044.1586 * Firefox v99.0.1 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2203.5-1.1.19100.5 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.5.7.186-1.0.1645 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.92.9652

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Hi Imacri

Thanks for passing this on. Glad the decision was made to make this clearer.

I presume this option isn't included when the general health check is run. (I seem to remember having this query before but I can't find it here - and i can't remember what the answer was!)

Don't think I'll be bothering with it in any case.

Nice to know someone is on the case with things like that, and thanks to CCleaner for listening.

Thanks for thinking to let me know, appreciate it :)


Hi iansn:

Sorry, I use the Portable edition of CCleaner Free (i.e., I run CCleaner from a removable USB thumb drive instead of installing it on my hard drive) and never run Health Check - or any other unnecessary feature like Software Updater, Performance Optimizer, etc. that have been added to CCleaner in the past few years - because I want to control and preview exactly what's being cleaned from my system before I click "Run Cleaner".

All I can tell you is that Network Data Usage is NOT enabled by default in Custom Clean. If you customize your Custom Clean settings just note that those changes will not be transferred to Health Check per the support article Will Changes I Make in Custom Clean be Stored if I Use Health Check Later?.

That support article also notes that "Health Check always uses CCleaner's recommended settings when cleaning unless they are customized (while using Health Check) at the time of cleaning" so my best guess is that the default settings of Health Check will not clean Network Data Usage. If you use use Health Check on a regular basis you can check yourself by viewing the contents of your C:\Window\System32\SRU folder just before and after running Health Check to see if the any files in that folder are purged by a Health Check scan. To view the contents of that protected folder:

  1. Install JAM Software's TreeSize Free utility (available at .***
  2. Launch TreeSize Free and click the "Run TreeSize Free as Administrator" button on the Home tab toolbar. Note that this button does not appear on the Home tab in the image below because I have enabled "Always Start This Application as Administrator" on the Options tab.
  3. Go to Home | Select Directory and then browse to C:\Window\System32\SRU.

*** I prefer to use the Portable edition of TreeSize Free ( available <here>). Just save and unzip the .ZIP in any location (I unzip in a folder I created on a removable USB thumb drive called D:\TreeSize ) and double-click TreeSizeFree.exe to launch.



64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H2 build 19044.1586 * Firefox v99.0.1 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2203.5-1.1.19100.5 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.5.7.186-1.0.1645 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.92.9652 *TreeSize Free Portable v4.5.3.601

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Thanks Imacri, that's really useful info, grabbed and saved this.

Wasn't even aware of TreeSize!

I stopped using the Health Check some time ago as it was getting rid of too much stuff, and wasn't sure what was actually going... It'll be interesting to see what it actually does.

(Sorry for late reply - email server probs)
