Question On Cleaning Computer Tower

I hope this is the proper place for this. I have been trying to address the cleaning of my tower for some time but issues have caused delays. In researching for help from some great folks on the forum and others I have been told to by some to blow the compressed air from the inside out and others say to blow from the outside in to spray the face of the fan blades. This has been a real challenge for me and hope this isn't too dumb a question. Thanks so much for any input and appreciate any and all help on this.


Hi, Warlock. As to the fan blades, not a dumb question at all. imho. Air from the Inside, outside, probably doesn't matter, the objective is to get the fan clean, eh? :)

For a 3rd option, I don't use air for that at all.

Instead I brush them off with a half inch round natural bristle brush while catching any dislodged dust with a vacuum.

If you do use air, don't let the blades spin freely, hold them with a brush or something that won't break them.

Also, using things like alcohol or household cleaning fluids to get them squeaky clean can cause the plastic to become brittle.

There is a previous post on here about this, may help:

I thought of these points later:

- Be careful with compressed air. Anything you spray with it can get really cold, sometimes to freezing. Its

possible to get the part cold enough to destroy it. Also, once a part has been cooled, water may condense on it,

and that can cause a host of other problems. So hold the nozzle back a bit from whatever you're dusting.

- Just hold the vacuum cleaner hose inlet inside the case so that it pulls out any dust you dislodge. Don't touch

any components of the computer with it.

- Don't use any cleaning fluids inside the case. If there is something you can't remove with air, a brush and a

vacuum, just leave it.

- Don't remove the processor or the processor cooling fans unless you must. If you must remove the processor you'll

need to replace the thermal paste when you put it back. Find out which thermal paste your manufacturer recommends

and get some before you start. Follow the mfg recommendations, even if your warranty ran out long ago, as mine


Also a ton of information available via google:,or.&fp=ce04e5747f6b57cf&q=how+to+clean+inside+the+computer+for+dust

Hi login,

Thanks so much for the great advice. I think I've got about all of the points you kind enough to provide. I'm not crazy about using the compressed air but I suppose it fits in the scheme of things. Concerned about blowing more debris on top of debris and I am not blessed with a special computer vacuum, only a conventional one. Is it absolutely necessary to use a natural hair type of brush? I'm loaded with a variety of brushes of different sizes that I had planned to use and taping the metal band that holds the bristles and handle together to avoid conductivity. I have never dreaded anything more than attempting this for fear of messing something up and then I am out of business. I know this is so elementary for most but I'm a late bloomer in this business. Had the * * * that was paid to do this actually fulfilled the obligation I wouldn't be wasting yours, others and my time. Thanks again and will hop off with much thanks as always and receptive to anything else you might add, I'm very grateful. Take care old friend.


I never use that compressed air in cans for cleaning inside my computer anymore because at times it can be expelled as a liquid.

I know the feeling, it is a bit intimidating.

I've done it a few times, it isn't really difficult, mostly a matter of being slow and careful.

I just use the household vacuum cleaner. Hold the hose close enough to the part you are brushing to pull away the dust, but not touching.

It may not be necessary to use a natural bristle brush. . . its just that I've never tried anything else.

But hey, I just thought, if those are old brushes that might have paint remover still in them, wash them w/ detergent & water 'till they are squeaky clean & dry.

Solvents are even worse for your computer than dust if they get onto motherboard components.

The method I have used on too many pc's to mention for over ten years now is to hit the case with an air compressor with an air gun attached.

The cans of air are too expensive.

I use the air compressor in the shed, the one I use to power the air tools and blow up the car tyres.

Works a treat.

I take off the side cover, front cover too if I remember, and go to town.

Don't let the air flow over the fan blades linger for too long as the fans can easily exceed their maximum safety limits, so I usually hold the blades still while I hit the heat sinks with the gun.

Pay specially attention to all the air vents and don't forget the power supply unit.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the great responses if I may answer collectively. Andavari, I spoke with the folks where I got the compressed air and a couple of pros and they stated that as long as I don't tilt the can I can avoid any liquid or freezing. login, all my brushes are clean as a whistle with no material of any kind on them, fresh in the pack and various sizes and shapes. mta I have one of those compressors like you have but have no air gun attachment, only one for tire inflation. And it would be impossible to use it anyway as it's outside in the garage somewhere and would be a major project to use even if I had the proper attachment. I know one thing I'm going to have to do something before too long or this thing will be a crispy critter. Watching the temps as I speak. This is indeed Mission Impossible. Perhaps in the final analysis I'll just have to make a command decision taking into consideration all the wonderful contributions by you folks. Can't do anything at the recommendation of the engineer at Avast who is going to hook up with me and download the Avast Free and fix some other problems shortly since I have the support package from them. He stated to hold off on any cleaning until that is accomplished. Take care and if you all think of anything else please drop it in my lap. Thanks again, you're all terrific.


...Andavari, I spoke with the folks where I got the compressed air and a couple of pros and they stated that as long as I don't tilt the can I can avoid any liquid or freezing. ...Warlock

Hi warlock. :) I think those folks told you wrong about the compressed air. Just my experience.

Yeah @Warlock the downside with my method is you have to take the PC to the shed but with the amount of dust that comes out sometimes, that's not a bad thing!

Should add here that my comment about the freezing issue applies only to cans of compressed air, not a compressor like mta uses.

(Lest mta think I am being quarrelsome :huh: )

But it is for sure possible for a can of air to squirt liquid or to freeze a part even if not tilted.

I've done it.

And those cans will freeze skin, but I'm not gonna admit how I know that. :P

But it is for sure possible for a can of air to squirt liquid or to freeze a part even if not tilted.

Those cans are overly priced accidents just waiting to happen when it comes to the delicate innards of computer equipment and electronics.

I use a Black&Decker hand vac/blower to blow out the dust. Just stck pencils in the fans and blast away. I do my pcs about every 18 months.

Cost less than $20 US; will last forever.

Hi Everyone,

A guy just doesn't know how many dear friends he has sometimes. Kroozer, long time no hear from. I was just thinking of what you said. I had a couple of those vacs at one time but have no idea where there are. Coincidence. Once again, thanks so much to all of you for devoting the time to help this poor old dumb guy. Oh, oh, another country heard from looking over my shoulder. The Mrs. said I've got enough hot air to clean every computer in the county. Just what I needed. Will probably be off line for a few days due to A.V. and other issues. I'll share what happens with you good folks. Take care everyone and my heartfelt thanks to all.


The Mrs. said I've got enough hot air to clean every computer in the county.

:lol: Always nice to hear from you Warlock! Remember when cleaning your fans, hold the blades in place so that you don't spin them too quickly with the air and wear out their bearings :)

(Lest mta think I am being quarrelsome :huh: )

Never crossed my mind.

But since you have 1st hand experience (the only one I know who does!), how long does one can last and how good is the pressure?

I've known the cost was ridiculous but I also thought one can would only do 1 or 2 pc's and that the pressure wouldn't be good enough to get anything more than just the surface stuff, not that sticky, clingy stuff that can get caked on.

@ mta

Yep, the cost is ridiculous. I used 1 can to blow the dust out of the case once, and that can is still about half full.

It probably would only do 1 or 2 computers, as you say.

Pressure is quite good. Will spin the little fans waaay too fast, and will distribute the dust evenly all over the room. :P

Not a complete answer, but it's all I know.

Upshot of that effort is that I won't use compressed air cans for that any more. That one time made me afraid of damaging something.

Most of the components in there don't like rapid temperature changes. And it seemed like if I applied enough air pressure to dislodge the stuck on stuff, it would be enough to also damage something. That could be wrong, but i didn't take the chance.

Hence the brush. Slow, tedious, but controllable. And the household vacuum (or Kroozer's Black & Decker) works very well, and the bag catches all the junk.

I also use a hand-held compressor. I love it!

I also use a hand-held compressor. I love it!

I would buy that simply because it says...

Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging

I help out now and again in a computer repair shop and some of the laptops when they are dismantled for a 'blow out' have layers of compressed fluff in them up against the vents that could be used as carpets!!

Desktops are just taken outside the door and the dust cleaned out with a mini compressor.

You do need to watch the fans though. I wouldn't recommend it for newer machines, but as they get older, the components sort of temper. I'm working in a shop now where I'm pretty sure I could lick the motherboard on some of the machines we get and there'd be no problem.

I'm pretty sure I could lick the motherboard

Taste like chicken? :lol: Oh and do not like the motherboard!