Question about why RegistryFix still shows problems after CCleaner says it has cleaned all.


I am new here, so forgive if I am using wrong forum or whatever. I just have a question I hope someone can answer. After I run the CCleaner and it says all problems/issues have been removed/cleaned, then when I run the Registry CleanFix 2007 that came loaded on my computer, it still shows a bunch of issues. Of course the Registry CleanFix won't clean hardly anything without me buying the program. It just likes to show all the multitude of issues I supposedly have and need to clean.

Anyway, does anyone know why this would be and if it means that CCleaner is indeed not really finding and cleaning all issues like it says it is?

Any thoughts/answers would be greatly appreciated. I don't think there is a way to directly submit questions to the CCleaner folks without having a 'paid' support account.

Thx again and have a wonderful day!!!


CCleaner is a quite safe Registry cleaner. A lot of other cleaners will find more ; however, it also means they can harm your computer by removing valid Registry entries.

You won't get a performance boost from cleaning the Registry anyway (unless you had hundreds of thousands of invalid entries, or serious problems). And all those paid Registry cleaner are aggressive - their goal is to say "if you buy me, I'll fix 192203848274 errors and boost your performance by 220434983% !".

If your machine runs as expected, applications load correctly without errors then there is nothing wrong with your PC.

Registry cleaners are usually full of crap and not worth messing up you computer with unless you really do have a serious problem.

As for CCleaner vs Registry CleanFix 2007 it's a coder's preference to decided what's serious and what's not, that doesn't mean that either program is right though. :)

Richard S.