Question about IE downloads

Hello. I am fairly new to CCleaner. I have a question...

I have several computer son my network running Windows XP Pro with SP2 or SP3 applied.

I seem to have several program files in c:\windows\Downloaded Installations and also c:\windows\Downloaded Program Files. From their names, they appear to be installation files for programs that were downloaded from the Internet. For example, there is a linke for SOMETHING.EXE. You click ont he link, and instead of choosing SaveAs, you choose Run. IE downloads the file, and then runs it from that temp location.

Is there any way to have CCleaner cleanup these folders too?

Thanks in advance.


Just wondering.... anyone have any ideas about this?


Just wondering.... anyone have any ideas about this?


Hi Lloyd,

With a little "searching" of the forums you get more insight to this.

These files are too important to many users to have CCleaner clean them.

I think it is just going to be up to the user to clean these ares.

Most users are best advised to leave these files and folders alone.That is why CCleaner leaves them alone. :P

:) davey

These files are too important to many users to have CCleaner clean them.

That and removing some things from that folder will make it nearly impossible to uninstall some web-based applications. Like in the past with Microsoft's free online virus/spyware/registry cleaning scanning service. It can make trying to get those applications to do a web-based install very difficult after improperly removing them.

While on this subject of downloads.... Is it possible to resume cancelled downloads atall? coz I was in the process of downloading Envisioneer4.5 (; unfortunately no zip file available for it and its bloated 224Mb! :rolleyes:

Perhaps even a way to temporarily pause it would be great ! ;)

Further, how do I prevent CCleaner from cleaning it out on the next restart or while running the program?

many thanks

While on this subject of downloads.... Is it possible to resume cancelled downloads atall?
IE7Pro has Mini Download Manager that permits that:

While on this subject of downloads.... Is it possible to resume cancelled downloads atall? coz I was in the process of downloading Envisioneer4.5 (; unfortunately no zip file available for it and its bloated 224Mb! :rolleyes:

Perhaps even a way to temporarily pause it would be great ! ;)

Further, how do I prevent CCleaner from cleaning it out on the next restart or while running the program?

many thanks

Hi TomCat,

I am not sure about what downloaders are available to do what you want.

Download to somewhere CCleaner doesn't clean.<<<<<<<<< Hey TomCat

Why run CCleaner at start-up anyway? It is bound to cause you head-aches.Try Andavari's CCleaner Auto Shutdown.

P.S. Opps. Andavari's CCleaner Auto Shutdown

I learned a long time ago that the best way to avoid "timing" conflicts is not to create them in the first place.

This goes for "Auto start " of any maintenance type programs,especially "cleaning" and "defrags".

Experienced users don't let their PC's do much of anything "automatically".

However, if you enjoy "automatically" created disasters and surprises, go right ahead.

See this link also.

Best wishes,

:) davey

P.S. I really like the IE7Pro add-on it has a downloader also with a "Pause" option but I have never used it.

This is a great question and I am looking forward to more info about this.

Why run CCleaner at start-up anyway?
I think that is a stupid option :o

Try Andavari's CCleaner Auto Shutdown.
I like and use that.

AS far as running CCleaner at startup is concerned - the only files it would really clean on my pc would be the ones I'll never ever want ! Made Sure of That !! Rest assured!!!

having an auto shutdown would be a great option ! and now this in light ( thanks to you guys) would be the most sensible option - hope there are no program conflicts ?

What add on provides for IE7 to pause downloads pls??

Further, my earlier question .... how does one track and trace the temporarily paused download in CCleaner and prevent that particular entry to be deleted (cleaned) without checking the ' only clean files over 48hrs ' ... ????

What add on provides for IE7 to pause downloads pls??
Please read:

AS far as running CCleaner at startup is concerned - the only files it would really clean on my pc would be the ones I'll never ever want ! Made Sure of That !! Rest assured!!!

Hi again TomCat,

If you made sure of that, then you should never worry about downloads like you seem to be worried about that CCleaner is going to clean out at start-up. Inexperienced users that have too many things "auto start" are reluctant to reboot when they should and their Registry gets all fouled up and then come to the forum wanting to know why things aren't working or "CCleaner must have done it cause it was the last thing I did ,YADA,YADA,YADA".

Like I said in the other post please read.

having an auto shutdown would be a great option ! and now this in light ( thanks to you guys) would be the most sensible option - hope there are no program conflicts ?

Further, my earlier question .... how does one track and trace the temporarily paused download in CCleaner and prevent that particular entry to be deleted (cleaned) without checking the ' only clean files over 48hrs ' ... ????

Answer in prior reply.

Do this TomCat.

1. Go to YoKenny's link and install IE7Pro .Like "Tony the Tiger" says "It's great". Say good bye to a bunch of adware and junky ads all over your Web Pages.Say hello to to a neat downloader "MiniDM". (By the way I tested (for you) the "Pause" feature and it worked for a MS download.Not sure if that counts but at least you will be downloading and updating a lot easier also.

P.S. The reason I say that "pause" test may not count is that MS always seems to start downloading where it last stopped.

Now with other products and any Download Managers,I don't know if they will reconnect for you when a server "times out" your paused download and then pickup where they left-off.

2. Go to the link I provided for you and download Andavari's CCleaner Auto Shut Down.

3. Go download that monster you are talking about and "Save" it and know you will have a safe copy of it.

4. Come back and let us know how great life is.

:) davey

why the supposition that everybody would have IE7 PRO?? I don't.

downloading and saving is exactly what I do but if people read it right - I clearly stated I was in the process of downloading 224MB .............

which got aborted for speed reasons (perhaps)...............

and when I restarted the download it did so right from the scratch ................

NOW some cases it continues from where it left it at!

and hence the question whether there was a way to pause downloads?

If not, was there a way to find that particular temporary internet file and prevent CCleaner from deleting it !

Regardless of all the other intellingent ways of using CCleaner !