I read a post on AskVG the other day about a program named QTTabBar that was once abandoned, and is now back in development. It seems like a great program, and on SourceForge, it hasn't received any negative reviews/ratings. I'm wondering if anyone has tried out this new version, because I'm thinking of trying it out myself.
Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qttabbar/
Its still Alpha at the moment.
I used it a while ago on my XP machine, sometimes it was useful, like for moving files and such, other times (mostly) I didn't have so many explorer windows open that it was extremely useful, but to each his(or her!) own. ![:)]()
Now a new version of QTTabBar is available for download which comes with lots of new improvements and support for Windows 7 as well.
Hey, cool find Ishan, I'd forgotten how much I liked that arrow that lets you browse folders from a root directory