Putting things back in startup

I hate the tapping feature on my synaptics touch pad. I had it turned off when the touch pad was in my startup. I accidentally removed my synaptics touch pad control from startup using CCleaner. Now every time I start up my laptop I must go to mouse, open the synaptics advanced features, click on tapping, then cancel and my touch pad will come up at the bottom of my screen, then I click in it and click on suppress tapping. I have reset the advanced features many times in the synaptics set up. I turn off tapping and every time I start up tapping is back on. I tried using synaptics support line, but it is useless. Can anyone tell me how to have tapping suppressed on start up.

Can anyone tell me how to have tapping suppressed on start up.

Reinstall the software.

Before you remove any items from startup that you think you may need Run: Msconfig and look in the Startup tab. That will list all programs that run on startup, just remove the ticks for items you don't need. ;)

WinPatrol has a good start up manager where things can be temporarily disabled or removed all together:


It has many other good features as well such as Active Tasks monitor, IE Helpers, Services, Displaying scheduled tasks and displaying cookies that can be kept or deleted.

If you know where the executable is just add the path to it back into the startup options

Pop open regedit by typing in 'regedit' into the run prompt from the start menu then navigate to the following location and add a new entry that points towards the program.
