Has anyone ever encountered or heard of the wiring for a PSU being wrong, possibly with the neutral and hot mixed up?
BTW I don't mean incorrectly wired by a user/custom pc built by some person. More specifically a top company like HP (HP in this case). It is the default PSU that was installed at the factory.
Specific model is HP a1253w.
Do you mean the plug from say the PSU to the motherboard - as in not in correctly? Or the physical wiring messed up coming out of the PSU?
I mean the wiring on the mains side of the psu. From the power socket in the back of the psu until it goes into what I assume is a printed circuit board. It might be easy to mix them up if there is any type of connector between them. If it's just a direct solder it might still be mixed. I haven't opened it up yet. I will soon.
I don't think it matters the PSU would be double insulated meaning that the Live and Neutral pins can be interchanged without consequences.
The earth pin on the PSU would be connected the metal casing to act as a fast return path from an electrical short while the fuse blows.
Richard S.
HA-HA! I didn't rea;lize this...