Provide "Save" and "Load" Commands for Cleaning Options

When I run CCleaner, I don't always want to clean the same set programs or use the same cleaning options for a program. I may just want to test one of the cleaning options.

If I make changes to the cleaning options, they are remembered the next time I start CCleaner. To test one option I must turn off all the other deafult options. When restart CCleaner, I have my last settings. How do I get back to the default set they cam with the installer?

A method of saving the current configuration (for example, a Save command) and loading a saved set of configurations (eg , a Load command) would make CCleaner so much more useful, to me. I'd be able to write my own cleaning configs and test them out before permananetly adding them to my preferred set of configurations.


How do I get back to the default set they cam with the installer?

Options, Advanced, Restore default settings.

Is that what you are after?