Provide option for clearing Temporary ASP.NET Files

I would appreciate an option for clearing the Temporary ASP.NET Files located at:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files



C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework*\v*\Temporary ASP.NET Files

Related info:

It stores A LOT of data there when you are using IIS...

Also, in the user's documents folder, IIS Express leaves an "IIS Express" folder that gets filled with MUCH stuff.

An option for that might be nice too.


this temp-folders are not on my pc...

w8.1 64bit

Well, I think the only way to get those folders and content inside them is to install and use IIS (which is shipped with Windows, but is not installed by default - you can install it from "turn on and off Windows features" program).

I see that there is already an option for cleaning IIS log files in CCleaner, so this may make much more sense to clean, since those folders can gather lots of stuff (e.g. ~500MB) depending on the sites you host (e.g. for development purposes) and, from my experience, IIS never bothers to clean them up.

add it with "including" to your ccleaner...?

What do you mean exactly?

I did not understand. :(

You mean this should be a feature for the paid version of CCleaner and not for the free?

EDIT: Oh... I think I got it:

If you mean with an optional checkbox (like in the "IIS log files" option that CCleaner has), then yes.

That's what I meant. :)

What he's referring to is this in CCleaner:

Options > Include > Add


You're more likely to get these cleaners added into CCleaner via the community winapp2.ini file ages before CCleaner ever officially adds them in. You could just make a post in there that points to this topic of yours requesting someone add it into winapp2.ini if you don't feel comfortable coding the cleaner for it.

I should note that you may be interested in the winapp2.ini file since it also cleans these for .Net Framework:
[.NET Assembly Temps*]
[.NET Framework Isolated Storage*]
[.NET Framework Logs*]
[.NET Framework SQM*]
[.NET Framework Temp*]

Edit 2:

I just threw this together, it can be a template to get you started with newer versions of .Net Framework since that temporary folder which is empty for me only exists in one place on my old XP system.

[Temporary ASP.NET Files*]
Detect=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup
FileKey1=%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files|*.*|RECURSE

What he's referring to is this in CCleaner:

Options > Include > Add

Aha. I should have thought of that...

I knew this existed, just I thought it might be better to have it built into CCleaner.

You're more likely to get these cleaners added into CCleaner via the community winapp2.ini file ages before CCleaner ever officially adds them in.

I now see that winapp.ini already has these folders included:

FileKey1=%WinDir%\\Framework\*\Temporary ASP.NET Files|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey2=%WinDir%\\Framework64\*\Temporary ASP.NET Files|*.*|RECURSE
[IISExpress Logs*]

That's interesting. I will experiment a little bit with this add-on...

Thanks! :)