
Hello All!

Thanks for a few users here with there vast knowledge and information. Here is an example.

Eldmannen - Iptables

To be a good security & admin professional you need to know "IPTABLES" That's what Linux firewalls are made up under the hood. IPTables is the driving force w/o it you have no firewall.

HOWEVER, I'll need to implement a test network in order to learn and execute IPTables effectively. At this point in time. I have my lil network running the way I want it. Rather play it save then sorry and screw something up. Any recommendation on how I can build the test network BUT use my current connection and keep my PRODUCTION network isolated and intact? This project will require alot of time to work out.

Humpty - Bold Fortune's guide

Here too is another long guide to read and disgust but worth it. All I need for this is to print out the entire guide and read/memorize it. Once I feel I understood it, then I can get a cd-rw and start the process of building the ISO.

Another thing Humpty does that I was impressed with is his drive setup. I'd like to have some insight as to how you installed Ghost and made it work for you? Pretty nifty idea, but a smart one.

For anyone interested, here is my network layout?

Westell 6100(Bellsouth 3m/384k) Port 1 of WRT54GC

Win 2k Adv Srv (File Server) Port 2

Supplies 2 network drives that are public to local

My workstation Port 3

1 public share to local

Why, is the ADSL modem on port 1 of the router and not on the WAN port? You CAN'T access the modem's web interface from the WAN port. Also, the modem at this time is responsible for all functions (firewall, dhcp & ppoe)

What I wanted to do was to use ClarkConnect ($295) and it do all of it. From a security standpoint not wise and so I've dropped the idea all together. So Endian Firewall 2.0 will go on another machine. I'll keep the file server right where it is now.

Thanks again guys!

Thanks for the compliments Admiral Ross but I really think I don't come near some of the others around here in regards to expertise.

That's why I hang around help and security forums in my quest for knowledge which is never ending.

Norton ghost 2003 is just a normal install with the images of C stored on another partition as required. :)

Now I am stating the obvious, but keep a backup copy of your network/iptables configuration files/scripts.