Programs that don't require an install.

I finally installed and tried out Zsoft Uninstaller. So I downloaded a few programs that claim to not need to be installed. Well according to the logs created by Zsoft Uninstaller these programs do create a lot of files and reg entries. Sure looks like an install to me.

If you need to run the downloaded program to install (and it's a different program than the resulting executable), then it's an installed program.

If you just download the program and it's ready to execute (such as SIW, then it does not need to be installed.

If you need to run the downloaded program to install (and it's a different program than the resulting executable), then it's an installed program.

If you just download the program and it's ready to execute (such as SIW, then it does not need to be installed.

Yes I get that. Those programs such as SIW that don't require an install create many REG entries when downloaded and run. I used Zsoft uninstaller to check a few. I used Zsoft to do a before analyze. Than unzipped Autoruns from Systeminternals to a folder and ran the exe. Than did a after analyze with Zsoft Uninstaller and this created a install log. I opened it and there were probably 30 reg entries created.

Seems SIW creates and deletes a few reg entries.Couldn't snap all of Zsoft's unistaller log but here's part of.

Thanks for pointing out Zsoft Anthony A, a keeper here.

Than did a after analyze with Zsoft Uninstaller and this created a install log. I opened it and there were probably 30 reg entries created.

When the user open any kind of executable file (.exe) the windows registry changes. It's enough to open Microsoft Excel or Word (excel.exe, winword.exe files) even as Windows Explorer (explorer.exe).

You can test that with ZSoft Uninstaller (or Total Uninstall). It isn't a weird action - but really curious.

OK, than were in agreement that there is some kind of foot print left behind by these so called "no install" apps. To me it's clear they do some kind of install. So if you down load these thinking they don't leave anything behind because they are "no install" apps think again.

Seems SIW creates and deletes a few reg entries.Couldn't snap all of Zsoft's unistaller log but here's part of.

Thanks for pointing out Zsoft Anthony A, a keeper here.

One of the positive features of that app is that it does not require an install. It sure does leave a foot print for something that doesn't install. :rolleyes: