Anyone have any experience (pro or con) with process managers such as today's GOTD, Process Lasso -- or Process Tamer? In general, do they accomplish anything or do they just take up more resources and get in the way?
I really like Systernals Process Explorer. It's a very good supliment or even replacement for Windows Task Manager. Once I get to my GOTD RSS I'll be able to look at the process Lasso.
EDIT: yeah in my personal opinion you're better off with Process Explorer
they also have process monitor which I've not used but it looks pretty cool
I've been familiar with Process Explorer for quite a long time. However, unless I'm mistaken, Process Explorer is a little different from the others in that PE simply provides information about running processes, whereas the other two help to monitor and automatically control "processes" and their allocation of resources.
Still not sure that this type of app has any real value, but was just curious.
I recall that Humpty liked Process lasso.
Process explorer does a bunch of things, kill a process, change its priority, see a lot about it. Also by sysinternals is autoruns, a system & process viewer, its good.
Neither require an actual installation nor a reboot. Not sure what registry tracks they leave.
Not sure what registry tracks they leave.
Only the license approval
I used process lasso and process tamer. Not at the same time on the same machines. Lasso is the best you can get and Process Tamer is also good if you don't need advanced features. I've never tried it yet but apparently Process Lasso Pro has cpu throttling capabilities.
As for effectiveness, if you use them properly and do some power computing there can be a noticable difference. I've gottewn the lifetime license key for Process Tamer so it's permanent.
If priorities are lost among you effectiveness may decrease. Process Lasso however can be setup to be quite automated to your liking as long as you review the plethora of options and settings in it.
Overall both of these applications are great and I've never encountered any bugs.
You have 1 hour 39 minutes left from the time of me posting this to get Process Lasso free from GiveAwyOfTheDay
You have 1 hour 39 minutes left from the time of me posting this to get Process Lasso free from GiveAwyOfTheDay
1 hour 22 minutes