I came across this recommended program whilst on the mischel internet security website (Trojan Hunter). It was described as the best available file explorer on the market, bar none, for looking into every nook & cranny and process running on your pc. It`s by Mark Russinovich who seems to be some big knob at microsoft. The link takes you to a site, where there`s a lengthy video and several links for people to work out how to use it and what it does. Unfortunately as i`m a newbie dummy i certainly won`t be using it for a while, but i`m sure you techies out there will absolutely love it.
Hi uno, I think quite a few people on here, including myself, already use this program, but thanks for posting, because I'm a bit behind with my version.
I'll be updating to V 11.04, so thanks again for the link.
Indeed one of the finer utilities available. I just went from ver. 9.12, out in 2005, to ver. 11.4! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It is a faster version, I'm sure among other advertised features.
I also used Process Explorer. Now I’m using xxxxxxxxxx, it’s the best solution for my PC. . It shows full information about each process including command line, inbound and outbound traffic, disk load, tray icon, performance graph, internet connections. It manages startup programs and active processes, removes spyware. Have a look at it
Hi uno, I think quite a few people on here, including myself, already use this program, but thanks for posting, because I'm a bit behind with my version.
I'll be updating to V 11.04, so thanks again for the link.
There is no V11.04 the latest is V11.33, please see as per the above mentioned Uno`s link from Sysinternals/Microsoft Technet.
Some of this stuff is command-line only, so a degree of comfort is required with using some of those utilities ... but there's something for everyone The whole suite really is a 'must have'. Autoruns and Process Monitor (different to Process Explorer) are two really useful tools for seeing what's going on.
Unzip regjump.exe into the recommended installation path which is in the Windows operating system directory, typically this will be:
regjump [path]
RegJump can be used in a Command Prompt, from Start->Run, in batch files, and via a shortcut (a shortcut is handy for a frequently visited registry location).