problems with updates and different anti-viruses

hi fans,

i think i read this kind of problems in our forum for a bit time but i cant find it...

i found this problems with different antiviruses as sophos, avira, avast (and ofcourse avg), arcabit and mcafee

in german:

the same in english:

in english:

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<b>Roll-back your machine</b> to a working state by uninstalling the following updates: for Win7 (KB4493472 and KB4493448), and Win8.1 (KB4493467, and KB4493446). Our customers have reported that removing these updates has fixed the issue for the time being.

on my w8.1 cant update antivirus because it shows me an blue screen and cant create an report-file

How about trying in Safe Mode instead.

safe mode not working, i havent there internet

I read about that issue somewhere last week (don't remember where though), and supposedly AV vendors are working on some fix too. I wonder if you looked on the AV vendor website or even asked on their forum to see if they have a new hotfix updater or whole AV installer that fixes the issue - I'd think they'd be more likely to post it on their forum for people to grab it instead of waiting for an automatic update to fix it.

15 hours ago, trium said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		safe mode not working, i havent there internet

Do you know why safe mode isn't working? Is it because of the update? Did it always work before the update ?

thanks for your both answers :-)

andavari: yes, you have right... i would take time to look to avg/avast :-)

hazelnut: sorry, i have write it on the wrong way ... i mean with my post - safe mode works fine but i havent internet there (i use an usb-surf-stick and in the save mode in windows the surf-stick-software interupt and i cant start it to go online for updates)

ps: windows updates are fine, i mean the av-updates only with 2 bluescreens during the downloads

Could this help run the fix?

You can manually run this emergency update, by double clicking the AvEmUpdate.exe file in the C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast folder.

Anyway see info in these threads which might help


in my avg-folder has avast this file and after manually start this there is no emergency udpate...

i has written an post to the avg community - i'll wait and see what kind of answer comes from that. i hope not the main-wisdom of "deinstall all kinds of avg ... and reinstall it...and try it again" :-)

good news...

i was by an fast wlan-spot and updated step by step all kind of systemstuff and at last the av-signatures - without problems without bluescreens :-) very nice

updating all browsers without ff esr ;-) i wait to 68.0 release

Good news !!!!