Problems with Free Space Defrag

I was finding DF to work very well using Defrag and Quick Defrag. Then I discovered Free Space Deftag so used it. Then my troubles began. The fragments and fragmented space grew dramatically, up to 50% fragmentation and 50 GB fragmented. The amount of the HD used increasd by 20-30GB. I resolved it by running a Free Space Defrag (framents allowed). Finally it is back to normal after a lot of work and time. I did a restore of systems files retaining current data which did not help or change things at all except losing some updates and programs that I installed. I have Win 7 and all of the setting of DF were in the default state. I have the free version. This is definitely a bug or you could say it could be a problem with my computer. Right now I plan to run DF but NEVER defrag free space! Question, if I uncheck the disable Windows defragger does that enable it?

Right now I plan to run DF but NEVER defrag free space!

i make it so too :)

if I uncheck the disable Windows defragger does that enable it?

if you uncheck it, windows defragmenter is enabled.

if you check it, windows defragmenter is disabled. --> defraggler wil be your standard defragmenter.


One reason it doesn't work too well is that DF moves files to the beginning of the drive and can create a conflict with the OS that also wants to add new files. Hence the increased defragmentation. DF has work with Windows and Windows has it own set of thoughts/logic. So, I would not neccesarily put all the blame on DF.

Defrag freespace is currently bugged in my opinion. Your mileage may vary but it tends to create further fragmentation on some partitions even if defragmented before.

what do you think of the suggestion Stay away of "defrag free space" be pinned from a mod to defragglers mainpage?

Thanks for the replies. It seems that Freespace Defrag has caused problems for others. If the problem is widespread I hope that the bug(s) are fixed. I can think of several measures like removing it from the program until fixed, or making better default choices. Very few users will know what to do with default choices and even fewer will view this forum.

what do you think of the suggestion Stay away of "defrag free space" be pinned from a mod to defragglers mainpage?

The main issue with free space defrag is that it randomly works properly...