I noticed in the latest Defraggler 2.06, there are a few problems, such as:
- Analysis Results ( looks more like a telephone than a ( mark. Left ( for Current State is the same way. Makes my screen look defective. LOL!
- Analysis Results always maintains the exact same % fragmentation that Current State has. (Analysis is supposed to show the beginning fragmentation level, NOT = out to the Current State fragmentation level!)
- No autosize available in options -> Every time I resize defraggler, it skews the size of the window boxes for all 3 sections in Defraggler. I have to scramble to drag the box just enough to see all my drives, then try to increase the size for the Analysis Results & Current State so that I can see both of them instead of looking at 1 of them (happens a lot when you resize Defraggler!)
Please, fix the:
- (telephone) style brackets
- analysis results so they don't update to be "current"
- Autosize to automatically size the 3 sections of Defraggler. At the least, give an option in autosize such that it will autofit & display all drives on your system, while maintaining a preset colored block window size, while maintaining a minimal size for viewing both analysis & current state results
Thank you guys! Your totally awesome!