Problems after using CClean

I ran CClean for the first time. Afterwards, the Windows Explorer "Search" button brought up Google in the small window where the search criteria is normally

Also, very many of my programs had gone from the Start/Programs list. However, in Control panel/add/remove programs, alll my normal programs were still listed.

The program icons that were in the vertical window that opens on pressing the Start button had all gone also.

However, all the program shortcuts on the desktop for programs missing from the Start/Programs list worked, also any missing programs for which I could navigate to the relevant EXE file worked.

Word was a problem as I forgot where to fnd it, but clicking on any *.doc file opened it.

Please, how can recover my program list and Windows Explorer search facility?

Hello Robertxx,

Welcome to the forum.

You apparently checked some of the advanced options in the Cleaner function.

Those programs will start to fill back in.

As regards Start > All Programs list,you will find that they have been sorted.They should still be in the list.You can move them back where you want them.

Uncheck all the boxes in the Advanced section of the Cleaner function.

I am not sure why your "search" program is doing what it is doing.I will do some testing.

In the Application Tab in the Cleaner window uncheck Office or Word application until you review what is being cleaned.

Link here to review the Guide.

Do not use the Registry function or Tools function unless you understand what they do.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

Dear Davey,

I tried unchecking all the bxes in the "Cleaner" window and ran "cleaner", but did not see an "avanced" tab. Result was no change.

All the missing programs do run (at least all those for which I can find either the exe file or a file that they created).

Re the missing search panle, I attach a scren shot. fortunately I have two computers and will not run CClean on this one!!!



Hi again,

The Advanced section I was talking about is found on the Windows tab of the Cleaner function.

It is at the lower part of the list.


You need to check those other boxes further up the list or the Cleaner will not clean anything.

CCleaner is a good product.Don't forget to bookmark the Beginners Guide in my previous reply.

Some people select the Advanced boxes by mistake.Some of these options clean out your cache

or the long list of all the previous times you have used a program .It is built by MS as you execute programs and records how many times and from what folder you executed.It even contains some URL data. This option is called User Assist History.You would not believe how much this builds up.

When you check this option CCleaner flushes it but Windows will start filling it back up ,every time you start a program.No need for you to worry because it is gone now.Some of the other Advanced options will cause your Programs list to be sorted.Just execute them from the Start > All Prorams list and they will refill your Start menu list of most recently used programs.

These boxes should not be used without further learning as to what they do.That is why they are labeled as Advanced.

I will look into this Google search thing.Someone else may have the answer also.Just be patient.

:) davey

P.S. How about a snapshot of your Windows tab and your Applications Tab.Also your Option > Settings window and Options > Advanced window.

after using CCleaner, i cant attach files in emails. please help

after using CCleaner, i cant attach files in emails. please help

In what program???

Dear Davey,

I tried unchecking all the bxes in the "Cleaner" window and ran "cleaner", but did not see an "avanced" tab. Result was no change.

All the missing programs do run (at least all those for which I can find either the exe file or a file that they created).

Re the missing search panle, I attach a scren shot. fortunately I have two computers and will not run CClean on this one!!!

Hello again,


I can find no reason for Google Desktop Search to have been loaded on your computer by downloading CCleaner .

If you downloaded other software recently it sometimes comes as an opt out feature with some free software.

CCleaner does have an opt out feature for downloading the Yahoo Toolbar.

This link to Google explains the following.

You can uninstall the Google Desktop software through the "Add or Remove Programs" Control Panel at any time. When you uninstall the software, you can choose to delete the Google Desktop index and its copies of all items. If you choose to delete this information the original files and applications remain unaffected.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

Hello again,


I can find no reason for Google Desktop Search to have been loaded on your computer by downloading CCleaner .

If you downloaded other software recently it sometimes comes as an opt out feature with some free software.

CCleaner does have an opt out feature for downloading the Yahoo Toolbar.

This link to Google explains the following.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

Dear Davey,

I removed the Google desktop but the Google search still appears instead of the normal Explorer search window. In summary, apart from this problem, the nearly full window of programs has shrunk to one small list. I can however access all via their desktop icons or via Exlorer by clicking their exe files. All programs are still listed in control Panel/add remove programs. I have Mozella Firefox and that has a Google default start page.

Still in hope,


In what program???

regular emails like yahoo or hotmail. it wouldnt let me send files as an attachment.

Dear Davey,

I removed the Google desktop but the Google search still appears instead of the normal Explorer search window. In summary, apart from this problem, the nearly full window of programs has shrunk to one small list. I can however access all via their desktop icons or via Exlorer by clicking their exe files. All programs are still listed in control Panel/add remove programs. I have Mozella Firefox and that has a Google default start page.

Still in hope,


Hi Robert,

You can answer my questions by answering right after the question in your reply.

When you say "the nearly full window of programs has shrunk to one small list."do you mean your

Desktop or what???

You can create new short cuts by right clicking on the icon in the Explorer window and selecting Send To Desktop. This will not move the Program but it will create a new short cut icon on your Desktop.

Are you using Start > All Programs also to execute Programs???

You can also right click on the Programs there and select Send To Desktop to put short cuts back on to your Desktop.This will not move the Program but it will create a new short cut icon on your Desktop.

Try this for MS Word.Then do the same for other Programs whose short cut icons are not on your Desktop.

Did you read and follow my Post #4 ??? You must uncheck all the Advanced options on the Windows tab in CCleaner.

I will look into the "Search" feature some more. Is there an option in Firefox to turn off Google search in Windows Explorer???

Has your Start Menu Most Recently Used Programs (on the left of your Start Menu after left clicking on Start) started to refill ??? It should be filling back in.

:) davey

You can answer my questions by answering right after the question in your reply.

When you say "the nearly full window of programs has shrunk to one small list."do you mean your

Desktop or what???

I meant the list following selection of Start/Programs. Previously I had a list extending over four columns. Now it has shrunk to one column that does not even reach the bottom of the screen. The Desktop icons were not affected.

I use this list when I do not have the program on the desktop (there would be too many icons if I used the desktop for everything).


You can also right click on the Programs there and select Send To Desktop to put short cuts back on to your Desktop.This will not move the Program but it will create a new short cut icon on your Desktop.

Try this for MS Word.Then do the same for other Programs whose short cut icons are not on your Desktop.

Since Word is not one of the few remaining in Start/Programs, I cannot do this. So far I have not found the Word exe (because the search function is not working), so I get it running by clicking on an existing word ".doc" file.


Did you read and follow my Post #4 ??? You must uncheck all the Advanced options on the Windows tab in CCleaner.

Did this, no change


I will look into the "Search" feature some more. Is there an option in Firefox to turn off Google search in Windows Explorer???

I will check, I think I selected it as the start page but will now select another.


Has your Start Menu Most Recently Used Programs (on the left of your Start Menu after left clicking on Start) started to refill ??? It should be filling back in.

If you mean the icons above the Programs item on the Start menu (there were about 5), all have gone. Of the items that appear after pressing "Start". I have the following:

Shut-down (works), Run (works), Help (works), Search (NOT WORKING), Settings (works), Documents (works), Programs (as described above, BUT a program I added last night appears at the end of the list.


I hope this gives you a better picture of my problem.

Many thanks,


Robert, just out of interest make a new user account (you can delete it afterwards) and see if search works then.

how to do this....

If it does work your user account may be corrupted.

Also have you tried a system restore point just previous to when you used CCleaner?

I am assuming you are using XP.


It certainly does give me a better picture.

Be back to you later,

:) davey

What OS and version,Browsers,firewall, and security programs do you use?

Review your Start Menu and Task Bar Settings and note and reset any settings that need to be.

We could put some things right .You say that you did not do any Registry cleaning.Correct?

Check C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs. You may want to copy whole folder to

C:\Documents and Settings\ROBERT or Administrator\Start Menu\Programs .Then Review and Delete or Save what you wish.

This will give you comprehensive All Programs list.

PERSONAL Experience tells me that someone accidentally turned on all the Advanced cleaning options. Make sure all these options are unchecked before running the Cleaner function.Also OPTIONS > ADVANCED Save all settings to INI file must be checked.


Dear Davey,

Pse forgive silence - my wireles internet conection died and I have only just recovered it. I have downloaded the Microsoft kb article and will read it - and yes, you are right I must plead guilty to having running Cclean forgetting to de-select the windows options.

If you do not hear from me over the next two weeks it will be because I have a major meeting at ICAO so may be busy there. However, I much appreciate your help and will be following your advice re a new user account. I have realised that I never learnt enough to set up and manage user accounts - when we had DOS and Stacker I used to write the Config.sys and autoexec.bat files myself - but never had the time to really get to grips with Windows - just used the applications I needed! Time now to get educated again.

Best Rgds,


I thoroughly understand Robert.

I had the privilege of using the Apps. set up on this computer for 3 years without ever being allowed to get down and learn more about what was going on inside.

I was only allowed to use the Start menu to Turn off Computer.

Talk with you later.

:) davey

Dear Davey,

Back againafer long absence. A system restore fixed everything. plus elimination of a wayward file from an OCR program that was mentioned in a Windows Explorer error message.

However, reading some of the posts I am reluctant to use C Clean again - on the basis that if not broken, do not fix.

Best Regards and thanks for your help,
