I ran CCleaner with the settings detailed below. I did not abort the process, but my computer did go into sleep mode, which seemed to pause processes which continued after I started it back up. I don't seem to be missing any files (KOW), but in Firefox everything looks all messed with the formatting and layout and pages are missing graphics, etc. I can't seem to find a setting to correct this, and I am guessing I messed up something on my OS.
Any suggestions? Thanks much.
Internet Explorer
-all but Saved Passwords selected
Windows Explorer
-all selected
-all selected
-only Old Prefetch Data selected
-everything selected except Saved Passwords under Firefox/Mozilla
If Portable Firefox works is just as bad as Installed Firefox then the Operating System is damaged,
otherwise it may be worth re-installing Firefox.
As a safety measure you could first copy you Local and Roaming Firefox profiles somewhere else in case the re-install loses bookmarks or anything else you value.
N.B. If re-installing Firefox appears to solve your problem you may be lucky.