Problème de licence / Problem of license


I placed an order at the end of the year 2021 to be accurate on 16/12/2021, for 1 year of CCleaner Business for 1 pc, so far I had to format my computer, and so I installed CCleaner a second time.

The problem is that she does not want to activate it anymore! I have two licenses like this which are blocked, while I paid for it to work, that it passes it !!!!!!!!!!!!





J'ai passé commande en fin d'année 2021 pour être exacte le 16/12/2021, pour 1 an de CCleaner business pour 1 PC, à ce jour j'ai dû formater mon ordinateur, et j'ai donc installé CCleaner une deuxième fois.

Le problème, c'est qu'elle ne veut plus l'activer !!!

J'ai deux licences comme celle-ci qui sont bloqué, alors que j'ai payé pour qu'elle fonctionne, que ce passe t il !!!!!!!!!!!!</span></span></span>



You need to contact support for problems with licences. -Especially if this is a CCleaner Business version.

You should email support at-

If you can please use the same email that you used to purchase CCleaner.

Explain your problem just as you have here and they will be able to sort things out for you.

3 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		You need to contact support for problems with licences. -Especially if this is a CCleaner Business version.

		You should email support at-


		If you can please use the same email that you used to purchase CCleaner.

		Explain your problem just as you have here and they will be able to sort things out for you.

Hello, thank you for your quick response.

