Problem with recuva and my external disk. I need help


I have format my external disk (D:\) by mistake.

So I have dowload Recuva on (C:\).

Then i have scan my external disk (D:\) and Recuva found all the files lost (music, image...).

Then I have select all the files found and try to recover them all on c:\

Here comes the problem. Only very very few files are recover, most of the files cannont be recover, the error message is: "The disk is not available" (or something like that because I'm french and I use the french version).

I don't understand the problem. All the files are in perfect quality to be recover. If few files are save, it means that the external disk is avalaible, so why it is not avalaible for all the files.

As you can see I'm lost.

Does anyone can help me please.

Tank you.