Problem with recent update-no desktop

I updated to v. 3.27.1900 and ran the CCleaner. I restarted my computer--it booted up, I entered my password, heard the Window chimes, but then the desktop would not come up. I tried rebooting several times, but the desktop would not come up.

I finally booted to safemode, and restored the computer to Feb 29, and now it works ok.

There must be a problem with this new version.

Please help.

What operating system?

Did you run the registry clean part of ccleaner?

I am using XPsp3. I did not use the registry cleaner, just the main cleaner.

I have same ccleaner version on my xp machine and have run it with no problem.

Is there a possibility than you had any kind of auto update going on at the time you shutdown (win updates or av/malware program updates?)

What anti virus do you use, is it up to date and all scans clean?

Any other problems??

We may have to consider the fact that it may have just been a coincidence if we cannot find any info. As you did a system restore no info will be available for this in the Windows Event Viewer.

I finally booted to safemode, and restored the computer to Feb 29, and now it works ok.

Would that be Feb 29 2012 or Jan 29 2013 ?

I have same ccleaner version on my xp machine and have run it with no problem.

Is there a possibility than you had any kind of auto update going on at the time you shutdown (win updates or av/malware program updates?)

What anti virus do you use, is it up to date and all scans clean?

Any other problems??

We may have to consider the fact that it may have just been a coincidence if we cannot find any info. As you did a system restore no info will be available for this in the Windows Event Viewer.

I use Avast Free. There was not other updating going on at the time.

I tried running CCleaner again and got the same results and had to restore in safe mode back to Jan 29th.

Perhaps select one tickbox at a time to clean until you find which one triggers it. Time consuming I know, but yours is an odd case which you may need to work at in tracking down the cause because it's not something that has been reported before that I can remember.

Also you could try booting into safe mode and running ccleaner. If it re-boots into normal mode okay then it's probably a piece of software you have on that is causing this conflict with ccleaner.

Thanks for the suggestions. It would be a very slow process because I would have to reboot after every time I ran CCleaner. I will consider this however.

If you can post what options you had checked when the problem occurred, I'll try it here.

Not the registry editor . . . be afraid, be very afraid. . . :P

I'm running wxp pro, Avast antivirus, Outpost firewall, and SpywareBlaster.

A screenshot would be a good way to do that, but you can also just list them.

Thanks for the help. Below are some screen shots:

I am having trouble with posting the screen shots-hope this works.

I will try attaching a file of the screen shots


I don't think this is going to work.

you could run an analysis, go into details, right click and save the results, I'll read them while we mix this album and see if I can guess which one needs to be added to the excludes.


In studio 24/7

Thanks, greyowl2, got the picure. It works fine, with a bit of enlarging.

Not running nearly as many apps as you are, but I'll check all of those i can and post back.

Nergal is "on the case", though, and he is way better than me troubleshooting.

Edit: Just ran CCleaner w/ the options shown below. Restart went OK.

As I don't have most of the apps you do, that is not really a replication, but might help eliminate suspects.

Also, unchecked the hotfix uninstallers, didn't want to have to put them back, and didn't think they could be the culprit anyway . . . Now just watch, that will be exactly what the problem is . . .


Also enlarged your screenshots a bit, easier to read.

Others who know more might spot the problem immediately.


Try unticking McAfee, reboot then clean.

you could run an analysis, go into details, right click and save the results, I'll read them while we mix this album and see if I can guess which one needs to be added to the excludes.


In studio 24/7

Here is the analysis log:

ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.675 secs)

0.89 MB to be removed. (Approximate size)
Secure file deletion enabled - Simple Overwrite (1 pass)

Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)

Internet Explorer - Temporary Internet Files 176 KB 15 files
Windows Explorer - Recent Documents 41 KB 65 files
System - Temporary Files 26 KB 4 files
System - Windows Log Files 316 KB 9 files
System - Font Cache 152 KB 2 files
Firefox/Mozilla - Saved Form Information 192 KB 1 files
Applications - Office 2003 3 KB 6 files
Applications - Office 2007 3 KB 6 files
Internet - Free Download Manager 1 KB 4 files
Multimedia - Adobe Flash Player 1 KB 2 files
Multimedia - FastStone Image Viewer 1 KB 1 files
Multimedia - Media Player Classic 1 KB 1 files

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\5FDKMXTT\calendar[2] 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\5FDKMXTT\help[1] 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\5FDKMXTT\SR_Grad[1] 2 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\5FDKMXTT\watermark[2] 26 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CGE3DNSX\ffext[1].xml 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CGE3DNSX\RestoreUI[1] 5 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CGE3DNSX\SRUI-Confirm[1] 8 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CGE3DNSX\srui-main[1] 11 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ETQG09H3\calendar[1] 84 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ETQG09H3\complete_icon[1] 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ETQG09H3\start[1] 2 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\N5GLVCHV\rstrui[1] 6 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\N5GLVCHV\rstrui[2] 3 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\N5GLVCHV\SRUI-Pick[1] 25 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\N5GLVCHV\srui-success[1] 7 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\01262013_222221.log.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\1.flv.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\2.flv.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\2013 01 BWDSB invoice.pdf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\3.flv.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\AutoRuns Instructions.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Avast Keygen 2010.txt.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Avast.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\CC Image.jpg.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\CC image.pdf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\CCleaner.JPG.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\CCleaner.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\CCleaner1.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\CCleanerImage.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\CFScript.txt.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\ComboFix A guide and tutorial on using ComboFix.maff.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\ComboFix.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Diff sites premium accounts.txt.lnk 2 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Doc1.doc.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\DownloadsFTP.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\dudesp1.flv.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\dudesp2.flv.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Ethan Rice visit Jan 30, 2013.pdf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\file_id.diz.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Free3moNotice.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\HomePage Solutions.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\IBM Connection Settings.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\IBM Settings.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Instructions.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\InstructionsSystemLook.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Key.txt.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\LimitedTimeSerialTil 2010-9-4.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\New Folder.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\New INstructions.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\OB2hb_PZ.htm.part.htm.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\PermanentKey.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\PO-2012-10-1.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\PO4271300984a.pdf.lnk 2 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\post-24667-0-30824400-1359696784_thumb.jpg.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\ProcessTamer.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Readme.doc.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Registration.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\RIOT - Radical Image Optimization Tool.maff.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Rkill.txt.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Rkill1.txt.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Rkill2.txt.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Rock XP.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\RockXP webpage.maff.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\RootRepeal.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\SavedFilesWindows.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Selfsuck - XTube Porn Video - dudesp1.flv.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\selfsuck - XTube Porn Video - dudesp2.flv.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Sent.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\SERIAL Photofiltre Studio X 10.2.0.txt.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\SERIAL.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\serials.txt.lnk 2 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\test5.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\To Send.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Trouble shooting guide-Digisystem.pdf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\Tweaks.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\URL for Download.rtf.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\XTube Amateur Videos1.flv.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\zipinst.chm.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\zipinst.txt.lnk 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\ZipInstaller 1.21.lnk 1 KB
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Perflib_Perfdata_508.dat 16 KB
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\T30DebugLogFile.txt 0 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\temp\3102avgenzww.ABI 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\temp\jusched.log 10 KB
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\FrameWork.log 1 KB
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\wbemcore.log 12 KB
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\wbemess.log 5 KB
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\wbemprox.log 1 KB
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\wmiprov.log 3 KB
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\wbemess.lo_ 65 KB
C:\WINDOWS\ntbtlog.txt 96 KB
C:\WINDOWS\Debug\UserMode\userenv.log 136 KB
C:\WINDOWS\security\logs\scecomp.old 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT 22 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\j8y8ians.default\formhistory.sqlite 192 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Desktop.ini 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Desktop.LNK 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Doc1.doc.LNK 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\index.dat 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Readme.doc.LNK 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Readme.LNK 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Desktop.ini 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Desktop.LNK 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Doc1.doc.LNK 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\index.dat 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Readme.doc.LNK 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\Readme.LNK 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Free Download Manager\dlmgrsi.sav 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Free Download Manager\downloads.his.sav 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Free Download Manager\history.sav 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Free Download Manager\spider.sav 0 KB
Removed Cookie: 0 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\support\flashplayer\\settings.sol 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\FastStone\FSIV\HisFolderList.db 1 KB
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Media Player Classic\default.mpcpl 1 KB

I will try another screen shot below:


The analysis includes

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\ComboFix A guide and tutorial on using ComboFix.maff.lnk 1 KB

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Recent\ComboFix.lnk 1 KB

Is it possible you have recently downloaded ComboFix and contracted the Sality virus ?


I have been working with a expert from Malwarebytes in regard to this same problem because I initially thought it was related to updating Malwarebytes from v. 1.65 to 1.70. He instructed me to use ComboFix. I tried it but it would not finish the scan. I have also run Kaspersky Boot antivirus and Eset Online scan and no viruses have turned up. After I was working with MBAM a few days on the problem, I ran CCleaner and it produced the problem. So now I am thinging that it wasn;t MBAM in the first place but rather CCleaner that was the problem because I also updated and ran CCleaner at the same time that I updated MBAM. So, I am working on this from both angles.

The spyware helper over at MBAM forums who is helping you has indicated that there are some suspicious files on your machine.

Let's wait until everything is finished with your cleanup there before continuing this thread.