Problem with Norton Anti Virus

Hi all,

Having a problem with Norton Anti Virus.

A window keeps popping up that says there is a problem with Norton and it needs to close. That I can Microsoft a report.

There is a ! symbol over the Norton icon.

I assume that this isn't good.

What's going on and what should I do?


I also tried to uninstall Norton.

The college I work at has a free download of Norton Corporate.

Problem is I'm not even able to uninstall existing Norton. A window pop ups that says...

Norton Anti Virus Corporate Edition

The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.

Not sure what is causing your problem but i believe i had a similar problem a few years ago, i know use and recommend you use the brilliant and free Avast Anti virus which is free for home use.

You can get it here

thanks emglishmen just installed Avast.

how do I uninstall Norton? can't uninstall it.

rebooted my pc and still getting the window.



Not sure what is causing your problem but i believe i had a similar problem a few years ago, i know use and recommend you use the brilliant and free Avast Anti virus which is free for home use.

You can get it here

englishmen just rebooted.

the norton window came up again.

also a avast window came up...

avast incompatible av software running

avast detected the following program is running


and other stuff about avast scanner module CANNOT actice at the same time

as a result avast main on acess scanners were disabled.



Norton products are well-known for being sucks, causing trouble, refusing to uninstall, etc.

any suggestions on how to uninstall?


Norton products are well-known for being sucks, causing trouble, refusing to uninstall, etc.

any suggestions on how to uninstall?

Symantac's programs are notoriously bad when you want to uninstall them. See for more info.

But they offer you in a warped way help to uninstall their own software. See here


Just had a quick look around for you, depending on which edition it is there is,

or for another version

sound tricky , but it depends on how confident you are !!

for uninstaling Norton use this tool:

it's official Norton remover tool (for AV, Firewall...)

Hi Krak thanks but it won't work because it says that I must remove Nortaon in add/remove programs.

I'm not able to remove Norton from add/remove.


for uninstaling Norton use this tool:

it's official Norton remover tool (for AV, Firewall...)

I think perhaps the corporate edition you have has a different removal method.

Have you tried uninstalling in safe mode by the way?

mpossoff first make sure you have a copy of avast on your PC then go to your start menu and find the control panel and open add/remove programs and find the Norton and uninstall it. Then install avast anitvirus and reboot if prompted.

Wow guys we have to do a little better than this. The person asked how to uninstall norton and you all were already suggesting new AVs. Then you recommended a dozen tools to remove it. ;)

First step is to ask questions.

mpossoff what version of norton is it? I know corporate but we need a more info.


For now what I would do is get rid of avast untill you get norton gone. Then redownload norton and install it. Then see if you can remove it with the uninstaller.

thanks emglishmen just installed Avast.

how do I uninstall Norton? can't uninstall it.

rebooted my pc and still getting the window.



I believe he already tried that, if I'm reading his post correctly. One thing I will suggest is to go into Safe Mode and reinstall Norton, and then try uninstalling.

If that doesn't work, and the SymNRT app doesn't work, the only option left is to remove all of Symantec's startup processes, restart the computer, and try to manually remove any files that pertain to Norton/Symantec, and their registry entries as well. But Symantec products absolutely flood your hard drive with miscellaneous files, and finding them all probably won't be easy. That is a last resort.


Oops, sorry about that rridgely! I hit reply before you had posted. :)

Even if any Symantec/Norton uninstall works you must unfortunately still do some manual removal.

If it were on my system and wouldn't remove, I'd:

* First kill all the startup parameters it has in the registry.

* Try to uninstall in Safe Mode, if that wouldn't work I'd then manually remove it which may require using:

- Start, Run, services.msc to kill any services.

- Unlocker to kill processes and delete locked files.

- HijackThis to remove files on restart.

- Multiple freeware programs with registry cleaners; CCleaner, EasyCleaner, RegSeeker, etc. It may also require the usage of some commercial trial-basis registry cleaners hence we are talking about Symantec/Norton products that install a horde of registry entries.

But they offer tools on their website to remove it. So I wonder if not Norton are intentionally making their software difficult to uninstall?

If you can't get rid of it try removing all norton entries from your startup list and forgetting about it.

And use one that doesn't ask for money like AVG or avast

then you do these 2 things:

1. download RegSeeker ( ) and scan you PC! After scan remove all what he find (ist 100% safe but if you see some errors you can restore reg data)

2. If, after cleaning with RegSeeker, problem is still there, free jv16 RegCleaner (when creator maded this cleaner (in 2001) it was free (so this is that version from 2001) but now it's not free): (504 kb)

Use this tool for manual removing of nortons reg data! (if you dont belive me that is free here you go:

[note] Do this 2 steps (or 1 step) in Windows Safe mode!

Google SymNRT and use it.

Also get Dial-a-fix and run that fully after you use SymNRT.