Problem with another Registry cleaner

Well, i saw that my nice post about CCleaner reputation didn't interesting you at all :angry: lmao ... But i saw that CClrener totally freeze after i launch few programs, like ErrorKiller and Registry First Aid.

Do u want that big ones tell you order.... or what?!

And is it so awful to say, if someone really want give nice feedback TO YOU!!!, thant u use at least: "...hey thanks glad to head you like it" or Some BS :blink:

Don't mean to sound harsh - but English please?


I see you posted on the 25th Nov. in pinned suggestions, ( in perfect English I may add )

Thanks for your post and the praise you gave ccleaner. No offence was intended by not replying. Your post said it all.

1. You shouldnt be using more than one registry cleaner all at one time. That will crash ANY program or cause some issue.

2. I have no clue what you mean by this:

Do u want that big ones tell you order.... or what?!

3. What are you like 5. Do you need a pat on the back because you gave a compliment?;) But I am happy that someone new likes ccleaner. :)

When you make a post you should try to use decent spelling and grammar and state your problem/issue in a respectful manner without sounding rude.

I have used CCleaner for a pretty long time now, and I have never ever experienced any trouble with it at all.

CCleaner is programmed with safety in mind unlike many other software which is just programmed to remove as much as possible.

Maybe it is an issue with the other software you are using?

Don't mean to sound harsh - but English please?


Not my primary language. Sorry

When you make a post you should try to use decent spelling and grammar and state your problem/issue in a respectful manner without sounding rude.

I have used CCleaner for a pretty long time now, and I have never ever experienced any trouble with it at all.

CCleaner is programmed with safety in mind unlike many other software which is just programmed to remove as much as possible.

Maybe it is an issue with the other software you are using?


What?! HUH?! Rude?! I tought it was just good feedback

I guess there was so much misunderstandings, because my english and

because this kind of replies (exclude hazelnut).

CCleaner is definitely the best program,

unfortunately some recent cleaning programs try to disturb CCleaner with their own methods. What was quite new to me.

Not just small problem, i will post more details when available.

So thanks hazelnut about your comment :)

And apology to everyone who frustrated/etc because some annoying newbie

people post his experience, and who learn english about 1 year ago :)

Anyway. Merry Christmas Everyone :)

Sorry about the language thing - you've got a good excuse! Merry Christmas to you to.

To make other registry cleaners ignore CCleaner's settings you have to manually input an exclusion, typically for some just inputting CCleaner will work, however with others you'll need to input the actual key locations.

In EasyCleaner > Registry > Skip > Input:


In RegSeeker > Clean the Registry > Exclusions ... > Input (copy and paste):

1|Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner

1|Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options

To make other registry cleaners ignore CCleaner's settings you have to manually input an exclusion, typically for some just inputting CCleaner will work, however with others you'll need to input the actual key locations.

In EasyCleaner > Registry > Skip > Input:


In RegSeeker > Clean the Registry > Exclusions ... > Input (copy and paste):

1|Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner

1|Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options


Note that in EasyCleaner its very ...easy. :)

Though I've had EasyCleaner even longer than I've had CCleaner, and the two programs have never had a conflict.

I'd say for only one year of learning english-not too shabby. :)