I have downloaded the update, but it will never install. The overall progress will reach the top and then it will say failed! And this is either through the automatic updates in the taskbaror via the website link.
Working on this end. Perhaps there is something in your Windows Update log that can provide some further information?
Just in case...is your DCOM Server Process Launcher, and WUAUSERV both started?
I removed Windows Defender after the update fiasco, however that wasn't the only reason I ditched it; I started noticing it was taking a hellish amount of time to open some folders on my system, as soon as I removed Windows Defender the slowdown was gone.
Nope, its still screwy, I don't know what you mean krit86lr, but all I know is its worked before. If the same things happening to Andavari, then I'm probably going to delete it, and its only a beta.
Nope, its still screwy, I don't know what you mean krit86lr, but all I know is its worked before. If the same things happening to Andavari, then I'm probably going to delete it, and its only a beta.
Nope, its still screwy
I don't know how many times I rebooted "hoping that would work" until it finally pissed me off seeing the "updates are ready to be installed" in the taskbar. I don't have the patience or time to deal with a 1.8 MB download/update of it's signature files if/when they won't even install. They really need an incremental update feature.
Problems with the now obsolete Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta 1 which were mostly system-wide issues like 50% or higher of CPU usage forced me to uninstall it - which was only a few days before Windows Defender Beta 2 was released. I'm not even going to bother with Windows Defender once it's released as a final stable build. I personally think MS would be better off licensing something like Spybot - Search & Destroy hence it works and at least the signature files can be manually downloaded and installed.
i have the same problem, update has downloaded but wont install just keeps saying fail
wont uninstall untill microsoft come back with an answer
will let you know when they do
Mine worked for several days and then it quit updating also (can't remember which code or update) so I uninstalled it (twice now), removed all reg references, and files. But now I get this: "W.D. was unable to complete the update: 0x8007064c. The installation source for this product is not available. Verify the source exists and that you can access it." So screw it for now! I'm down to Spy Sweeper, ewido and NOD32 all licensed and monitoring, although I realize S.S. is really the only one of those considered specifically for spyware (by most accounts the best though). I've posted the problem on a MS W.D. web site and if I don't get it rectified I might reinstall Spyware Doctor (Maybe the scan disc issue will go away! See post in The Lounge.).
I might reinstall Spyware Doctor
Avoid that like it's the plague. There are so many false positives it's amazingly stupid.
I have a shortcut to a folder on my desktop. A simple .lnk file. It told me this was a keylogger trojan.
Tarun, I'll say this for it. Thanksgiving and Christmas my nieces and nephews are here gaming and messaging. They leave and SD finds nine and seven spywares respectfully. Now I'll never know whether they were alerted and then just closed the alert or the malware got by it and MS Anti Spyware, but it still found them after the fact. Really, two of the few times spyware has ever been found on my pc, with any application, so I'll give it credit for that. I did not have Spy Sweeper nor ewido at the time. Both times I ran the scan with SD first, so I don't know if a MS AntiSpyware scan would have found them or not.
I find this amusing! I'm a Windows Defender pioneer, in that I must have produced a new update trouble code (0x8007064c) that they hadn't seen before. I have a post on the MS Windows Defender forum for almost 48 hours now with no response by anyone. lol!
I find this amusing! I'm a Windows Defender pioneer, in that I must have produced a new update trouble code (0x8007064c) that they hadn't seen before. I have a post on the MS Windows Defender forum for almost 48 hours now with no response by anyone. lol!
Will it not update? I am going to guess. Don't change anything, just tell me if you have this key.
Look in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsDefender\SignatureUpdates
In the right window do you see...
UpdateOnStartup REG_DWORD 0x00000000(0)
You are helping to make Defender better.
Actually krit86lr, I don't have it installe at the moment.
In the right window do you see...
UpdateOnStartup REG_DWORD 0x00000000(0)
You are helping to make Defender better.
Krit, that is what I have there, what are you saying that it means?
Honestly why do any registry hacks or whatnot to fix an MS problem. If it isn't updating MS has screwed up yet again and it isn't worth bothering with until they officially fix it. If it's broke let them fix it, and it isn't worth being an MS Beta Test Monkey either.
I have no intention of making any changes to the registry Andavari to mend MS problems of their own making. I just wondered what that value meant !!
Updated defender today via windows update.
So it took MS five days from when this thread started before the update would install.
I still won't be using WD!
If you count the two big ones at the beginning, this is the 3rd update I have had since I installed windows defender.