I've scoured these forums and have found no solution.
Since downloading the latest version, my computer account (administer) works fine. On my husband's computer account (standard user), Ccleaner analyzes, but when "run" is clicked, this comes up:
"Ccleaner has stopped working
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.
Check online for a solution and close the program.
my spin on the whole v5.42 debacle, I mean, release is to simple go back to v5.40, or v5.41 if you like the new GUI results page, and await a stable, new, working version "coming your way soon"
if you are game, try this;
uninstall your current version first.
then go into the Program Files folder for CC and delete its contents
(keep the .ini file if you have customised settings)
redownload the latest build from here; <a href="https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds" rel="external nofollow">https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds</a>
reboot the PC then install CC from your downloaded file.
if no luck, try the install with the PC in Safe Mode.
and try the Slim or Portable builds to see if they work.
just be aware of one limitation in going back to, or staying on, an older version.
software, especially browsers and Windows, change where and how things are stored and some changes in CC are to reflect this so using a very old version of CC may not actually clean the right things or clean them incorrectly and therefore potentially making things worst.
but from a pure 'remove crap from my system' angle, you will still be good to go with the old.