Problem Cleaning IE10 History

I have Windows 7 64bit and IE10. Also the latest v.4 of CCleaner.

CCleaner is set to run at startup but goes into a pause of about a minute when attempting to clean IE History. It was the same with IE9. It then starts itself again and completes the cycle.

What is strange is that if I run CCleaner manually when the computer is already on, CCleaner runs straight through IE History with no pause whatsoever.

Any ideas, please?

Perhaps you need to have a delayed auto-start.

My preferred choice is to NOT close down the computer myself but to hit a shortcut that launches CCleaner in /AUTO /SHUTDOWN mode,

then IE history is cleaned ready for the next morning and Ccleaner actions do not dely my use of the computer on startup as I impatiently wait with coffee in hand :)

I wonder why people want their history cleared when they can start IE in 'private mode' and not have it recorded in the first place.

I know private mode also doesn't save passwords, forms etc, but I figure if you want history wiped, why not wipe all personal data if you want your tracks covered.

(that is in no way derogative, i'm just curious :huh: )