Good morning, I'm french, so excuse me for my english.
I started CCleaner on my computer and after that, MSN 7 didn't work like before.
I had a "Personnal space" with MSN and it was possible for me to see the "Personnal space" of the others members. But now it's impossible.
Is there a solution ?
And where is the problem with CCleaner ?
Bonjour, je viens d'expliquer mon probl?me en anglais, je vais le faire maintenant dans notre bonne vieille langue.
J'ai lanc? CCleaner et apr?s ?a, MSN 7 ne fonctionne plus normalement.
J'ai cr?er un "espace perso" avec MSN et il m'?tait possible de lire les "espaces perso" des autres membres. Mais aujourd'hui, c'est impossible.
Y'a t'il une solution ?
CCleaner ne nettoie t-il pas un peu trop ?
Perhaps it's because the cookies were deleted, try this:
1. Open CCleaner
2. Disable/Uncheck Cookies under the CCleaner tab
Windows->Internet Explorer
Perhaps it's because the cookies were deleted, try this:
1. Open CCleaner
2. Disable/Uncheck Cookies under the CCleaner tab
Windows->Internet Explorer
Ok thanks, now all is alllright.
If you can understand me, i think that my english is not so bad . ![;)]()
Na, your english is not that bad.
Your English if very good!
Your English if very good!
Your English is very good!
Thank you, where are you from ?
@ Tarun:
You want a good laugh; I had already edited that sentence once. It originally read "You English if very good!"
@ Tandem21:
I'm from Iowa, in the United States.
@ Tarun:
You want a good laugh; I had already edited that sentence once. It originally read "You English if very good!"
It still does read that way too. Even got you quoted with it, heheh. ![;)]()