Problem after installing CCleaner

Hi all,

Ive recently installed CCleaner on my pc.

Since i have, i have had problems with my antivirus not loading when i turn my computer on.

Im currently using VirginMedias PCGuard, and there were no problems before i installed CC.

Can anyone help me, i guess to configure my pc, rather than having to remove CC, so that the pcguard kicks in on startup.

If you can, can you tell me in laymans terms not very good with technical stuff lol

Thanks in advance

Hi all,

Ive recently installed CCleaner on my pc.

Since i have, i have had problems with my antivirus not loading when i turn my computer on.

Im currently using VirginMedias PCGuard, and there were no problems before i installed CC.

Can anyone help me, i guess to configure my pc, rather than having to remove CC, so that the pcguard kicks in on startup.

If you can, can you tell me in laymans terms not very good with technical stuff lol

Thanks in advance

? ? ? did you only install CCleaner or did you run and clean. . . perhaps the registry?

I think you could be right Nergal.

Hi lannyloo,

A conflict between CCleaner "Issues" and PCGuard has been discussed on here before. Have a read here:

If you're using the latest version of CCleaner, and it was the "Issues" feature of CCleaner you ran, try just running the "Clean" feature and see if that is problem free.

If this is the problem, you'd need to find out which removed registry key is causing the problem. Or, switch to another AV, and there are exellent free AV's available.

Avast Home Edition:

AVG Antivirus: (Free Edition)

Avira Antivir:

Or, stick with your current AV and avoid running the "Issues" feature until a fix is found for the CCleaner/PCGuard conflict. But if and when that will be I have no idea.