problem after cleaning


I am using Windows XP Home SP2 and CCleaner v2.18.878 and when i clean my pc after cleaning i always get this message and when i go manual to search i can not find the folder/file so i don't know if it is an CCleaner bug so i post to help you improve it if it is a bug.

Η ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΘΗΚΕ - (0.507 secs)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5,00MB για απαλοιφή. (Μέγεθος κατά προσέγγιση)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Λεπτομέρειες αρχείων προς διαγραφή (Σημείωση: Κανένα αρχείο δεν έχει διαγραφεί ακόμα)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C:\Documents and Settings\Dimitris Psirrakis\Local Settings\Temporary Internet files\SuggestedSites.dat 5,00MB------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ATTETION: When i try to clean again the 5.00MB it saw me again the same message and nothing happens!


I am using Windows XP Home SP2 and CCleaner v2.18.878 and when i clean my pc after cleaning i always get this message and when i go manual to search i can not find the folder/file so i don't know if it is an CCleaner bug so i post to help you improve it if it is a bug.

Η ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΘΗΚΕ - (0.507 secs)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5,00MB για απαλοιφή. (Μέγεθος κατά προσέγγιση)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Λεπτομέρειες αρχείων προς διαγραφή (Σημείωση: Κανένα αρχείο δεν έχει διαγραφεί ακόμα)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C:\Documents and Settings\Dimitris Psirrakis\Local Settings\Temporary Internet files\SuggestedSites.dat 5,00MB------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ATTETION: When i try to clean again the 5.00MB it saw me again the same message and nothing happens!

I see the same 5.00 MB after a cleaning, when I push the analyze button again. Sometimes it goes away after a second or third push of the clean button (without a re analyze), sometimes not. Sometimes it is not there after a cleaning. Seems very random.

I am currently using the latest build of CCleaner (V I installed IE 8. When I installed IE 8 I had the previous version of CCleaner installed.

I utilize Firefox as my primary browser, rarely do I use IE.

My question is that when I go to use the clean button it tells me that I have 5.00MB to be removed. This amount is listed as IE Temporary Internet Files (1 files)5.00MB.

When I go I click on the run cleaner button it tells me that the 5.00MB was removed. However it is not being removed. I have not used IE 8 since upgrading from IE 7. I continue to use Firefox. CCleaner does clean all of my Firefox files but every time I go to run the program after I am done browsing It says that I have 5.00MB of IE Temporary Internet Files to be removed. For some reason CCleaner is not removing the IE Temp Internet Files.

I would appreciate your help in resolving this. As I am a big fan of your program and am very frustrated that I cannot figure out why it is doing this.

here is the solution - I found it myself at last...

I also noticed that the guy started the thread is Greek and I would like to tell him what to do also in Greek:

Γειά σου φίλε, λοιπόν για αρχή δες το παραπάνω link, εδώ είναι οι οδηγίες στα Ελληνικά με φωτογραφία:

1)Άνοιξε τον Internet Exploer 7 ή 8(καλύτερα βάλε τον 8)

2) Πήγαινε Εργαλεία > Επιλογές Internet > Για προσωρημένους και εκεί στο Περιήγηση(μετά το Εκτύπωση) βγάλε την επιλογή που λέει: Ενεργοποίηση Προτεινόμενων τοποθεσιών.

3) Είσαι έτοιμος!


The fix has been mentioned a couple of times before

The fix has been mentioned a couple of times before

sorry for that, this guide however you can say it's more...detailed... :rolleyes: