How is the best way to get in touch with the developers or security team to discuss a potential issue?
I may have misunderstood something but wanted to raise something with them just to check.
Thanks in advance.
How is the best way to get in touch with the developers or security team to discuss a potential issue?
I may have misunderstood something but wanted to raise something with them just to check.
Thanks in advance.
I've alerted admin to come and provide you with what you need. Are you claiming you've found a privacy related exploitable issue.
Thank you for your reply.
I wouldn't say that I've "privacy related exploitable issue" but what I have found bypasses a security boundary in Windows which I wanted to private discuss with a developer/admin/security team. I believe it to be a problem.
I'm intentionally being vague because if it is an issue, it would be unethical to disclose it on a public forum!
@Revr feel free to PM me further details if you think it is still valid and we will look into it