It seems that the "Priority" setting is not saved. If I set to Background and close the program, after a restart it is back to Normal...
Is this a bug or a feature?
I would prefer the setting to be saved, as DF slows down my computer a bit in normal mode. (Yes, I have scheduled it to run at 4am and yes, I do sometimes need to work then...)
It seems that the "Priority" setting is not saved. If I set to Background and close the program, after a restart it is back to Normal...
Is this a bug or a feature?
I would prefer the setting to be saved, as DF slows down my computer a bit in normal mode. (Yes, I have scheduled it to run at 4am and yes, I do sometimes need to work then...)
Please let us know
Yes I to have noticed that the priority when set to background is not saved. I also noticed that ever since defraggler has the interactive for checking blocks it is slower or sluggish on my computer.