Printer Problems !

Hi there

I am new to this site and not sure where I can post my question - it is not obvious to me where that should be done.

I just installed cc cleaner on my MAC Book Pro and I can no longer print to my Epson printer - Have an Epson PX800FW.

I tried to reinstall the printer on the computer but it is not recognising the DVD and will not install.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


Hi babzlite, and welcome to the forum.

I'm afraid I don't have an answer of any kind for you as this is predominantly a Windows forum and most of us (all volunteers, not Piriform staff) do not have access to a Mac to test and resolve Mac users problems.

I'm replying simply to let you know that you're not being ignored and that we do have a small number of Mac users who do help out, but it's a case of waiting until they actually use the forum themselves and spot your topic.

In the meantime, a member of Piriform admin may contribute.

Sorry I can't help, but at least I've given you a "bump". :)