Printer problem?

I have a Dell Photo AIO Printer 924. I'm running Windows XP. I installed a Windows Update which started this nightmare. Don't know what the update did but after it finished I had no printer. Called Dell twice and it took 2x to finally get my printer back. However, I now have both a Dell Photo AIO Printer 924 AND a Dell AIO Photo Printer 924(2) with the (2) being the default printer. The Dell tech said no biggie but it seems to me that it is. Why would I want two on there? Is there a way to get rid of the extra one and can I make the (2) the original. Note: I'm sure this is as clear as mud.

Also the preferences that I set will not stay set. I went into Faxes&Printers and changed to preferences the way I wanted and it will not take it. When I go into preferences, it looks the way I set it but when I go to print it shows something different. What am I doing wrong? I'd appreciate any help because I am very frustrated and hate to call Dell again.

You probably need to remove the Dell printer software which will also remove the drivers, then restart your computer and install them again. That should get rid of the orphaned entry, or you could just remove one of them that's listed.

Don't fall into trusting the Microsoft Update site to download your hardware drivers, instead get them from the PC manufacturer website if it's an OEM component, or the hardware manufacturer website.