preview and file info on duplicate file search

I've tried the first time the duplicate file search feature based on content

as I wanted to cleanup a lot of duplicate pictures.

It seems to work quite smoothly but I'd like to suggest following features

a ) instead of deleting the files to move them into one target folder (no subfolder just one plain folder instead of trash)

a1 ) in case of same filneames - make the filenames unique - e.g. by either adding a number or part of the original path/directory

b ) preview of similar/same pictures

show the two/three/... same pictures so that there is a visible proof that it's really the same

c ) file information

probably with the preview pictures - add file information - e.g. dimension of the picture, file creation information, ...

which confirms further that it's the same picture

d ) from other tools there is also the ability to search for similar pictures

which allows e.g. to find thumbnails of bigger pictures - it would be nice to have that as an option to select

just a few thoughts which I hope you'll find interesting to implement